KEYNOTE: How AI Might Reshape Media Businesses in the Next Five to Fifteen Years
30.10.2024 12:30:00 30.10.2024 13:00:00
Kunstig intelligens vil spille en stadig større rolle i hvordan medier produserer, distribuerer og tjener penger på innhold. Caswell gir oss en visjon om hvordan AI vil endre mediebedrifter på lang sikt – en unik innsikt du ikke vil gå glipp av!
Consultant, builder, and researcher focused on AI in news, David Caswell has led news product innovation at the BBC, Tribune Publishing, and Yahoo!, and has published peer-reviewed work. David Caswell is a prominent thought leader in the fields of AI and journalism. He has recently released a highly intriguing report, How Might AI Affect Journalism, which explores various future scenarios for journalism over the next 5 to 15 years. The report is sponsored by the Open Society Foundations (George Soros
David Caswell
Consultant, builder, and researcher focused on AI in news, David Caswell has led news product innovation at the BBC, Tribune Publishing, and Yahoo!, and has published peer-reviewed work. David Caswell is a prominent thought leader in the fields of AI and journalism. He has recently released a highly intriguing report, How Might AI Affect Journalism, which explores various future scenarios for journalism over the next 5 to 15 years. The report is sponsored by the Open Society Foundations (George Soros