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"Hva betyr Amazons inntreden for nordisk varehandel?"
18.11.2020 00:54:00
18.11.2020 01:04:00
Det tar stadig lengre tid for Amazon å bygge posisjon i nye og digitalt utviklede markeder – det er mulig å lykkes i konkurransen med Amazon. Amazon vil treffe nordisk varehandel veldig ulikt - på kort sikt vil sortiment og pris være største utfordring. Nordisk varehandel må dyrke egne fortrinn – og samtidig møte Amazon der de er sterkest.
Øyvind A. Torpp is a Managing Director and Senior Partner at BCG. The Oslo office has grown substantially during Øyvind’s time at BCG and he continues to build on the incredible legacy that was set before him. BCG aims to "Shape the future. Together". Øyvind helps ensure that the Oslo office is doing just that by creating an environment focused on inclusion, consisting of dedicated professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Øyvind joined BCG in 1999, moving from the Stockholm office to the Oslo office in 2000. He has spent his entire career at BCG which makes him an integral part of the organization. Øyvind focuses on the Consumer and Industrial Goods practice areas.
Øyvind is an expert in growth strategies, performance improvement, and transformation programs. He utilized his expertise to assist European consumer companies in transformations, sales force effectives, and mergers and acquisitions. Øyvind also specializes in post-merger integrations and has supported numerous due diligence projects for clients.
Prior to BCG, Øyvind completed his M.Sc. at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He now resides in the Oslo area with his wife, two daughters, and dog.
Øyvind Torpp Managing Director og Senior Partner Boston Consulting Group
Øyvind A. Torpp is a Managing Director and Senior Partner at BCG. The Oslo office has grown substantially during Øyvind’s time at BCG and he continues to build on the incredible legacy that was set before him. BCG aims to "Shape the future. Together". Øyvind helps ensure that the Oslo office is doing just that by creating an environment focused on inclusion, consisting of dedicated professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Øyvind joined BCG in 1999, moving from the Stockholm office to the Oslo office in 2000. He has spent his entire career at BCG which makes him an integral part of the organization. Øyvind focuses on the Consumer and Industrial Goods practice areas.
Øyvind is an expert in growth strategies, performance improvement, and transformation programs. He utilized his expertise to assist European consumer companies in transformations, sales force effectives, and mergers and acquisitions. Øyvind also specializes in post-merger integrations and has supported numerous due diligence projects for clients.
Prior to BCG, Øyvind completed his M.Sc. at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He now resides in the Oslo area with his wife, two daughters, and dog.
Øyvind Torpp Managing Director og Senior Partner Boston Consulting Group
Øyvind A. Torpp is a Managing Director and Senior Partner at BCG. The Oslo office has grown substantially during Øyvind’s time at BCG and he continues to build on the incredible legacy that was set before him. BCG aims to "Shape the future. Together". Øyvind helps ensure that the Oslo office is doing just that by creating an environment focused on inclusion, consisting of dedicated professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Øyvind joined BCG in 1999, moving from the Stockholm office to the Oslo office in 2000. He has spent his entire career at BCG which makes him an integral part of the organization. Øyvind focuses on the Consumer and Industrial Goods practice areas.
Øyvind is an expert in growth strategies, performance improvement, and transformation programs. He utilized his expertise to assist European consumer companies in transformations, sales force effectives, and mergers and acquisitions. Øyvind also specializes in post-merger integrations and has supported numerous due diligence projects for clients.
Prior to BCG, Øyvind completed his M.Sc. at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He now resides in the Oslo area with his wife, two daughters, and dog.
Lise er konsulent ved Boston Consulting Groups (BCG) kontorer i Oslo, hvor hun arbeider med prosjekter innen helse, teknologi og private equity. I tillegg har hun jobbet for flere ledende aktører i helsesektoren, både i Norge og i utlandet, og bidrar aktivt til å utvikle BCGs globale perspektiver rundt blokkjede og helsedata. Hun har tidligere drevet med produktutvikling for Laerdal Medical, samt strategiplanlegging i Telenor. Lise er utdannet sivilingeniør, med en doktorgrad i helseteknologi fra University of Oxford og en master fra Imperial College London.
Lise Lørup Project Leader Boston Consulting Group
Lise er konsulent ved Boston Consulting Groups (BCG) kontorer i Oslo, hvor hun arbeider med prosjekter innen helse, teknologi og private equity. I tillegg har hun jobbet for flere ledende aktører i helsesektoren, både i Norge og i utlandet, og bidrar aktivt til å utvikle BCGs globale perspektiver rundt blokkjede og helsedata. Hun har tidligere drevet med produktutvikling for Laerdal Medical, samt strategiplanlegging i Telenor. Lise er utdannet sivilingeniør, med en doktorgrad i helseteknologi fra University of Oxford og en master fra Imperial College London.
Lise Lørup Project Leader Boston Consulting Group
Lise er konsulent ved Boston Consulting Groups (BCG) kontorer i Oslo, hvor hun arbeider med prosjekter innen helse, teknologi og private equity. I tillegg har hun jobbet for flere ledende aktører i helsesektoren, både i Norge og i utlandet, og bidrar aktivt til å utvikle BCGs globale perspektiver rundt blokkjede og helsedata. Hun har tidligere drevet med produktutvikling for Laerdal Medical, samt strategiplanlegging i Telenor. Lise er utdannet sivilingeniør, med en doktorgrad i helseteknologi fra University of Oxford og en master fra Imperial College London.