Eivind Nilsen er partner i revisjons- og rådgivningselskapet PriceWaterhouseCoopers og er ansvarlig for rapporten «Global Entertainment and Media Outlook»
Eivind Nilsen Partner/Konsulent PwC
Eivind Nilsen er partner i revisjons- og rådgivningselskapet PriceWaterhouseCoopers og er ansvarlig for rapporten «Global Entertainment and Media Outlook»
Eivind Nilsen Partner/Konsulent PwC
Eivind Nilsen er partner i revisjons- og rådgivningselskapet PriceWaterhouseCoopers og er ansvarlig for rapporten «Global Entertainment and Media Outlook»
As the digital marketing and programmatic lead at PwC, Kevin brings with him over 10 years of international digital advertising industry experience working in markets across three continents in Australia, Asia and Europe.
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In addition to a global outlook, Kevin also possess the unique experience of a truly holistic view of the digital advertising value chain, having previously worked in various senior leadership roles in agency, advertiser, media owner as well as advertising technology companies.
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The emergence of programmatic trading over the last few years have seen Kevin expanding his digital repertoire; heading up various programmatic trading operations and educating the market of its transformative powers and associated challenges.
Kevin Wong Senior Manager (Programmatic) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
As the digital marketing and programmatic lead at PwC, Kevin brings with him over 10 years of international digital advertising industry experience working in markets across three continents in Australia, Asia and Europe.
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In addition to a global outlook, Kevin also possess the unique experience of a truly holistic view of the digital advertising value chain, having previously worked in various senior leadership roles in agency, advertiser, media owner as well as advertising technology companies.
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The emergence of programmatic trading over the last few years have seen Kevin expanding his digital repertoire; heading up various programmatic trading operations and educating the market of its transformative powers and associated challenges.
Kevin Wong Senior Manager (Programmatic) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
As the digital marketing and programmatic lead at PwC, Kevin brings with him over 10 years of international digital advertising industry experience working in markets across three continents in Australia, Asia and Europe.
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In addition to a global outlook, Kevin also possess the unique experience of a truly holistic view of the digital advertising value chain, having previously worked in various senior leadership roles in agency, advertiser, media owner as well as advertising technology companies.
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The emergence of programmatic trading over the last few years have seen Kevin expanding his digital repertoire; heading up various programmatic trading operations and educating the market of its transformative powers and associated challenges.
30.08.2017 09:45:00 - 30.08.2017 10:15:00
Disruption: Five (possible) paths out of the maelstrom
A 2016 survey found that more than three-quarters of European media executives were anticipating further massive waves of digital disruption to hit their industry in the coming 12 months, the highest rate of any sector. 2017 hasn't disappointed. Advertising spend is shifting further towards a small number of tech giants, historically loyal subscriber bases are starting to fragment as customers search out new sources of content, and relatively new entrants such as Amazon and Facebook are moving up and across the value chain. A small number of companies are starting to innovate in the face of this uncertainty. Although there's still all to play for their examples suggest a number of possible paths out of the maelstrom.
Thomas Meakin is an Associate Partner in McKinsey's London office where he co-leads McKinsey's Consumer Technology & Media practice in EMEA. He serves clients on a range of growth and strategy topics particularly on content rights, video platforms and advertising. Between 2015 and 2017 Thomas took time out of McKinsey to build freenet TV, a German terrestrial TV business, as Chief Operating Officer. Over this time freenet TV grew to 1.5m customers of which 500k were paying subscribers. Outside his client work Thomas leads the Firm's research on CEO Transitions and has published in both the McKinsey Quarterly and various business journals including the WSJ and the Financial Times.
Thomas Meakin Associate Partner McKinsey & Company UK
Thomas Meakin is an Associate Partner in McKinsey's London office where he co-leads McKinsey's Consumer Technology & Media practice in EMEA. He serves clients on a range of growth and strategy topics particularly on content rights, video platforms and advertising. Between 2015 and 2017 Thomas took time out of McKinsey to build freenet TV, a German terrestrial TV business, as Chief Operating Officer. Over this time freenet TV grew to 1.5m customers of which 500k were paying subscribers. Outside his client work Thomas leads the Firm's research on CEO Transitions and has published in both the McKinsey Quarterly and various business journals including the WSJ and the Financial Times.
Thomas Meakin Associate Partner McKinsey & Company UK
Thomas Meakin is an Associate Partner in McKinsey's London office where he co-leads McKinsey's Consumer Technology & Media practice in EMEA. He serves clients on a range of growth and strategy topics particularly on content rights, video platforms and advertising. Between 2015 and 2017 Thomas took time out of McKinsey to build freenet TV, a German terrestrial TV business, as Chief Operating Officer. Over this time freenet TV grew to 1.5m customers of which 500k were paying subscribers. Outside his client work Thomas leads the Firm's research on CEO Transitions and has published in both the McKinsey Quarterly and various business journals including the WSJ and the Financial Times.
30.08.2017 10:15:00 - 30.08.2017 10:45:00
Trends and Transformation
A 25 mins journey through the changing world, a guide to the trends that matter, both in media, retail and business. A provocative look at themes to help inspire for the journey ahead and help companies best position themselves to unleash the power of technology to better serve customers in the future.
Tom Goodwin is the EVP of Innovation at Publicis / Zenith Media, USA, his role is to understand new technology, behaviors and platforms and ideate and implement solutions for clients that take advantage of the new opportunities these make possible. Tom’s focus is leading the innovation and content wing within Zenith, unleashing the power of emerging platforms, new media, business transformation to product robust business results. Zenith Media is a sister company with Starcom and New Work under Publicis Media Norway.
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An industry provocateur and commentator on the future of marketing, business and digital transformation , he's a columnist for the Guardian, TechCrunch, MediaPost Forbes and frequent contributor to GQ, Ad Age, Wired, Ad Week, Inc, World Economic Forum, Digiday and more. Tom has been commissioned to write a book “ Digital Darwinism”, out in early 2018 and features regularly as a weekly feature on the TV channel i24 News.
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Voted the #1 Voice in Marketing Globally by LinkedIn (with over 350,000 followers) and the number 2 people in Advertising to follow by Fast Company. Tom is a keynote speaker around the world at advertising, marketing and business conferences, with appearances in China, Turkey, Australia, Brazil, India, Spain, Portugal and the UK in the last 12 months alone.
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He is a board member of Wharton Future of Advertising’s program, as well the American Association of Advertising Agencies Creative Technology committee and sits on the Global Huawei Key Opinion leaders program.
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A passionate futurist and lover of technology, Tom brought the western world’s first QR code based campaign in 2006, tried the worlds first click to instal mobile ad in 2007, and he featured for many years on Nokia’s 2020 envisioning program. Tom is a Graduate of Sheffield University, completing a degree in both Architecture and Structural Engineering, combining his love of the arts and design, with the rational and measurable. He lives in New York and London.
Tom Goodwin Head of Innovation, Publicis / Zenith Media / #1 Voice in Marketing on LinkedIn / Keynote Speaker / Author
Tom Goodwin is the EVP of Innovation at Publicis / Zenith Media, USA, his role is to understand new technology, behaviors and platforms and ideate and implement solutions for clients that take advantage of the new opportunities these make possible. Tom’s focus is leading the innovation and content wing within Zenith, unleashing the power of emerging platforms, new media, business transformation to product robust business results. Zenith Media is a sister company with Starcom and New Work under Publicis Media Norway.
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An industry provocateur and commentator on the future of marketing, business and digital transformation , he's a columnist for the Guardian, TechCrunch, MediaPost Forbes and frequent contributor to GQ, Ad Age, Wired, Ad Week, Inc, World Economic Forum, Digiday and more. Tom has been commissioned to write a book “ Digital Darwinism”, out in early 2018 and features regularly as a weekly feature on the TV channel i24 News.
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Voted the #1 Voice in Marketing Globally by LinkedIn (with over 350,000 followers) and the number 2 people in Advertising to follow by Fast Company. Tom is a keynote speaker around the world at advertising, marketing and business conferences, with appearances in China, Turkey, Australia, Brazil, India, Spain, Portugal and the UK in the last 12 months alone.
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He is a board member of Wharton Future of Advertising’s program, as well the American Association of Advertising Agencies Creative Technology committee and sits on the Global Huawei Key Opinion leaders program.
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A passionate futurist and lover of technology, Tom brought the western world’s first QR code based campaign in 2006, tried the worlds first click to instal mobile ad in 2007, and he featured for many years on Nokia’s 2020 envisioning program. Tom is a Graduate of Sheffield University, completing a degree in both Architecture and Structural Engineering, combining his love of the arts and design, with the rational and measurable. He lives in New York and London.
Tom Goodwin Head of Innovation, Publicis / Zenith Media / #1 Voice in Marketing on LinkedIn / Keynote Speaker / Author
Tom Goodwin is the EVP of Innovation at Publicis / Zenith Media, USA, his role is to understand new technology, behaviors and platforms and ideate and implement solutions for clients that take advantage of the new opportunities these make possible. Tom’s focus is leading the innovation and content wing within Zenith, unleashing the power of emerging platforms, new media, business transformation to product robust business results. Zenith Media is a sister company with Starcom and New Work under Publicis Media Norway.
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An industry provocateur and commentator on the future of marketing, business and digital transformation , he's a columnist for the Guardian, TechCrunch, MediaPost Forbes and frequent contributor to GQ, Ad Age, Wired, Ad Week, Inc, World Economic Forum, Digiday and more. Tom has been commissioned to write a book “ Digital Darwinism”, out in early 2018 and features regularly as a weekly feature on the TV channel i24 News.
<br /><br />
Voted the #1 Voice in Marketing Globally by LinkedIn (with over 350,000 followers) and the number 2 people in Advertising to follow by Fast Company. Tom is a keynote speaker around the world at advertising, marketing and business conferences, with appearances in China, Turkey, Australia, Brazil, India, Spain, Portugal and the UK in the last 12 months alone.
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He is a board member of Wharton Future of Advertising’s program, as well the American Association of Advertising Agencies Creative Technology committee and sits on the Global Huawei Key Opinion leaders program.
<br /><br />
A passionate futurist and lover of technology, Tom brought the western world’s first QR code based campaign in 2006, tried the worlds first click to instal mobile ad in 2007, and he featured for many years on Nokia’s 2020 envisioning program. Tom is a Graduate of Sheffield University, completing a degree in both Architecture and Structural Engineering, combining his love of the arts and design, with the rational and measurable. He lives in New York and London.
30.08.2017 11:15:00 - 30.08.2017 11:45:00
Lærte du egentlig noe i Silicon Valley, Siri Børsum?
Siri Børsum har bred erfaring innen teknologi, ledelse og innovasjon. Med en karriere i store internasjonale teknologiselskaper, inkludert 12 år i Google, har hun fulgt den teknologiske utviklingen tett. Siri ser en mulighet med å skape gode kundeopplevelser ved å utnytte potensialet som ligger i ny teknologi og digital innovasjon. I 2021 ble hun kåret som en av de 50 fremste tek-kvinnene i norge av Oda-Netverket og jobber idag som VP og Head of Customer Transformation / Innovation & Growth Strategy i Capgemini Invent.
Siri Børsum VP og Head of Customer Transformation / Innovation & Growth Strategy Capgemini Invent
Siri Børsum har bred erfaring innen teknologi, ledelse og innovasjon. Med en karriere i store internasjonale teknologiselskaper, inkludert 12 år i Google, har hun fulgt den teknologiske utviklingen tett. Siri ser en mulighet med å skape gode kundeopplevelser ved å utnytte potensialet som ligger i ny teknologi og digital innovasjon. I 2021 ble hun kåret som en av de 50 fremste tek-kvinnene i norge av Oda-Netverket og jobber idag som VP og Head of Customer Transformation / Innovation & Growth Strategy i Capgemini Invent.
Siri Børsum VP og Head of Customer Transformation / Innovation & Growth Strategy Capgemini Invent
Siri Børsum har bred erfaring innen teknologi, ledelse og innovasjon. Med en karriere i store internasjonale teknologiselskaper, inkludert 12 år i Google, har hun fulgt den teknologiske utviklingen tett. Siri ser en mulighet med å skape gode kundeopplevelser ved å utnytte potensialet som ligger i ny teknologi og digital innovasjon. I 2021 ble hun kåret som en av de 50 fremste tek-kvinnene i norge av Oda-Netverket og jobber idag som VP og Head of Customer Transformation / Innovation & Growth Strategy i Capgemini Invent.
30.08.2017 11:45:00 - 30.08.2017 12:15:00
Digitalisering av norsk næringsliv – lærdommer fra mediebransjen
Digital Norway - Toppindustrisenteret ansatte denne våren Tor Olav Mørseth (36) som sin første administrerende direktør. Mørseth er utdannet ved Norges Handelshøyskole og Copenhagen Business School, og har frem til nå vært sjefredaktør i Adresseavisen. Gjennom sin mediekarriere har Mørseth hatt lang erfaring med å lede tradisjonelle virksomheter langs digitaliseringens frontlinje. Mørseth begynte karrieren som økonomijournalist i Bergens Tidende, der han siden ble nyhetsredaktør, utviklingsredaktør og produktdirektør med særlig ansvar for satsingen på digitale medier. I 2015 tiltrådte han stillingen som sjefredaktør i Adresseavisen før han nå takket ja til jobben som leder av det som har som mål å digitalisere norsk næringsliv og sikter mot å bli et "virtuelt Silicon Valley" som bygger, knytter sammen og sprer digital kompetanse og driver digitaliserings-prosjekter på tvers av selskaper og bransjer over hele landet. Selskapet er et ideelt, (non-profit) aksjeselskap med 15 ledende norske selskaper som eiere, og med store offentlige brukere som strategiske medlemmer.
Tor Olav Mørseth (født i 1980) har økonomiutdannelse fra Norges Handelshøyskole i Bergen og en MBA fra Copenhagen Business School. Han har også studert kinesisk språk og kultur ved Universitetet i Oslo.
Mørseth begynte karrieren som økonomijournalist i Bergens Tidende, der han siden ble nyhetsredaktør, utviklingsredaktør og produktdirektør med særlig ansvar for satsingen på digitale medier. I 2015 tiltrådte han stillingen som sjefredaktør i Adresseavisen.
Tor Olav Mørseth administrerende direktør DIGITALNORWAY – Toppindustrisenteret AS
Tor Olav Mørseth (født i 1980) har økonomiutdannelse fra Norges Handelshøyskole i Bergen og en MBA fra Copenhagen Business School. Han har også studert kinesisk språk og kultur ved Universitetet i Oslo.
Mørseth begynte karrieren som økonomijournalist i Bergens Tidende, der han siden ble nyhetsredaktør, utviklingsredaktør og produktdirektør med særlig ansvar for satsingen på digitale medier. I 2015 tiltrådte han stillingen som sjefredaktør i Adresseavisen.
Tor Olav Mørseth administrerende direktør DIGITALNORWAY – Toppindustrisenteret AS
Tor Olav Mørseth (født i 1980) har økonomiutdannelse fra Norges Handelshøyskole i Bergen og en MBA fra Copenhagen Business School. Han har også studert kinesisk språk og kultur ved Universitetet i Oslo.
Mørseth begynte karrieren som økonomijournalist i Bergens Tidende, der han siden ble nyhetsredaktør, utviklingsredaktør og produktdirektør med særlig ansvar for satsingen på digitale medier. I 2015 tiltrådte han stillingen som sjefredaktør i Adresseavisen.