Test deg ut av krisen — den billigste veien til økte inntekter
09.02.2023 15:05:00 09.02.2023 15:20:00
Gode kundeforhold er det vi alle ønsker. Men kunder sier ofte én ting, og gjør noe litt annet. Testing av endringer i kundereisen er essensiell i konverteringsoptimalisering (CRO) og produktutvikling. Det bygger avgjørende innsikt om de ulike designløsninger, budskap og produktsammensetningers effektivitet. Tester og måler du ikke effekten av idéene dine? Ja, da navigerer du sannsynligvis blindt gjennom store deler av produktutviklingen din. La oss undersøke hvordan du kan doble salget ditt gjennom testing.
Oliver has a track record of driving business growth with a playful and data driven approach to product development and leadership. He brings a wide perspective to the table with experience from real estate fintech, innovation culture, marketing and politics. Actively contributing to shape various projects and companies, his underlying passion is to bridge the minds of different people to drive positive change by making collaboration more engaging.
Oliver Thomas Edwards
Head of Design
Moodify CRO
Oliver has a track record of driving business growth with a playful and data driven approach to product development and leadership. He brings a wide perspective to the table with experience from real estate fintech, innovation culture, marketing and politics. Actively contributing to shape various projects and companies, his underlying passion is to bridge the minds of different people to drive positive change by making collaboration more engaging.