"Bærekraft, business og begeistring"
04.05.2022 10:25:00 04.05.2022 10:45:00
Alle virksomheter har bærekraft og vekst høyt på agendaen. Men hvordan lykkes med å skape en mer bærekraftig fremtid, og samtidig ivareta ambisiøse forretningsmessige vekstmål? NoA Consulting har intervjuet 30 toppledere i Skandinaviske virksomheter om hvordan de jobber med bærekraft og vekst, og deler her både funn, refleksjon om inspirerende eksempler.
Worked with large corporations, consultancies and design agencies. Developed and implemented strategies, organizational changes, new products, services and business models, transforming organisations and industries to become more people-centric, more creative and more impact-driven. Truly passionate about design and innovation, with a strong desire to help companies grow - and make the world a better place. Now building a new type of management consultancy bridging strategy with creativity and entrepreneurship at NoA Consulting, part of The North Alliance. Took Designit Oslo on a growth journey of 400 % growth in 3 years, becoming the largest design firm in Norway, and the most profitable studio in Designit. Then leading our four Designit studios in the Nordic region; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Stockholm and Oslo. Was part of the Global Executive Board.
Christian Søgaard
Partner & CEO
NoA Consulting
Worked with large corporations, consultancies and design agencies. Developed and implemented strategies, organizational changes, new products, services and business models, transforming organisations and industries to become more people-centric, more creative and more impact-driven. Truly passionate about design and innovation, with a strong desire to help companies grow - and make the world a better place. Now building a new type of management consultancy bridging strategy with creativity and entrepreneurship at NoA Consulting, part of The North Alliance. Took Designit Oslo on a growth journey of 400 % growth in 3 years, becoming the largest design firm in Norway, and the most profitable studio in Designit. Then leading our four Designit studios in the Nordic region; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Stockholm and Oslo. Was part of the Global Executive Board.