What drives effectiveness and what should we measure?
02.11.2017 09:30:00 02.11.2017 10:00:00
Steal with pride. Hvem har ikke ”stjålet” Peters funn som krutt i en presentasjon? Vi i ANFO har de siste 10 år hatt et nært samarbeid med Peter Field. Ikke uten grunn. Han arbeid på vegne av IPA (Institute of Advertising Practisioners) i England er nærmest enestående i reklamefaget og til stor glede for markedsførere over hele verden. Det hele startet med publikasjonen «Marketing in the Era of Accountability» i 2007, en analyse av det største tallmateriale for effektiv markedsføring noensinne. Hele 880 case er en del av analysen. Dette er en viktig milepæl i kunnskapen om marketing og reklame, som viser frem «best practice» innenfor hva som gir effekt og hva som ikke gir effekt. Parametere som salgsøkning, markedsandelutvikling, redusert prissensitivitet, økt kundelojalitet, økt penetrasjon og økt profitt diskuteres her. Peter Field har hatt tilgang til IPAs egen databank med innleverte case til IPA Effectiveness Awards siden 1980. Dette er en av verdens mest anerkjente marketing konkurranser hvor man blir premiert for effekt, som vår egen ANFO Effekt.
Peter Field set up the IPA Effectiveness Awards Databank and he contributed a chapter to The Sage Handbook of Advertising that drew heavily on the data from it. Examining the Databank more closely with Les Binet later in 2007, he co-authored Marketing in the Era of Accountability and in 2013, The Long and the Short of It. In 2008 he co-authored Brand Immortality with Hamish Pringle, which also draws on the same data. In 2010 he authored The Link between Creativity and Effectiveness, which brings together the IPA Databank and the Gunn Report database of creativity to provide the most robust assessment yet of the value of creativity. He updated this two years later. He regularly writes and speaks about marketing effectiveness and the value of creativity. He has been closely involved with a number of the IPA training programmes. In 2006 he was elected an Honorary Fellow of the IPA.
Peter Field
Independent Marketing and Advertising Professional
Peter Field set up the IPA Effectiveness Awards Databank and he contributed a chapter to The Sage Handbook of Advertising that drew heavily on the data from it. Examining the Databank more closely with Les Binet later in 2007, he co-authored Marketing in the Era of Accountability and in 2013, The Long and the Short of It. In 2008 he co-authored Brand Immortality with Hamish Pringle, which also draws on the same data. In 2010 he authored The Link between Creativity and Effectiveness, which brings together the IPA Databank and the Gunn Report database of creativity to provide the most robust assessment yet of the value of creativity. He updated this two years later. He regularly writes and speaks about marketing effectiveness and the value of creativity. He has been closely involved with a number of the IPA training programmes. In 2006 he was elected an Honorary Fellow of the IPA.