How Brands Grow Part 2
12.10.2016 09:00:00 12.10.2016 09:50:00
Innen den norske markedsføringsbransjen er det få bøker som har fått mer omtale enn "How brands grow; What marketers don´t know." For seks år siden fløy vi Byron Sharp (som da var hovedforfatter) inn fra Adelaide i Australia og delte ut 300 bøker til gjester på DSAD. Siden da er det mange i vår bransje som aktivt både har brukt og referert til både boken og Byron Sharp. Når en så sentral bok får en oppfølger i "How brands grow Part 2" synes vi det er helt naturlig at også vi i ANFO gjør en oppfølger på en tidligere suksess. Vi bygger faktisk hele dagen på nettopp «How brands grow». Jenni Romaniuk var co forfatter til Byron sist mens Part 2 er et fellesprosjekt forfattet av duoen Sharp-Romaniuk. Vi har 400 bøker på vent til årets DSAD. Det er bare å melde seg på. Bøker til de 400 første påmeldte. Som Jenni og Byron sier; "This book will change the way you think about marketing forever".
Jenni Romaniuk - Biography "Professor Jenni Romaniuk is author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute - the world’s largest centre for research into Marketing. Jenni's research covers brand equity, mental availability, brand health metrics, advertising effectiveness, distinctive assets, word of mouth and the role of loyalty and growth. She developed the Distinctive Asset Grid; a tool to assess the strength and strategic potential of a brand’s distinctive assets, and is a pioneer in mental availability measurement and metrics. Jenni has worked with many the world’s biggest brands. Through her work at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute and her new book How Brands Grow Part 2 (co-authored with Byron Sharp) she is taking marketers all over the world on a journey to smarter, evidence-based marketing.”
Jenni Romaniuk
Author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Jenni Romaniuk - Biography "Professor Jenni Romaniuk is author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute - the world’s largest centre for research into Marketing. Jenni's research covers brand equity, mental availability, brand health metrics, advertising effectiveness, distinctive assets, word of mouth and the role of loyalty and growth. She developed the Distinctive Asset Grid; a tool to assess the strength and strategic potential of a brand’s distinctive assets, and is a pioneer in mental availability measurement and metrics. Jenni has worked with many the world’s biggest brands. Through her work at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute and her new book How Brands Grow Part 2 (co-authored with Byron Sharp) she is taking marketers all over the world on a journey to smarter, evidence-based marketing.”