Kampanje - media, reklame, teknologi, jobb - Nyheter på nett
DSAD - Den Store Annonsørdagen 2016
12.10.2016 08:45 -
Latter, Aker Brygge, Holmens Gate 1, Oslo
Latter, Aker Brygge, Holmens Gate 1, Oslo
Med varierte lokaler og høyt servicenivå, sørger vi for at din kveld eller arrangement blir vellykket – uansett om dere er 2 personer, eller om dere velger å fylle huset med 800 personer.
Vi hjelper gjerne til med all planlegging. En egen vert er alltid tilstede under gjennomføring av arrangementer. Husets tekniske stab stiller med det beste av sceneteknisk utstyr og kunnskap. På Latter finner du et stort smil i alle avdelinger.
I løpet av vår fartstid her på Aker brygge har vi vært vertskap for mange bedrifter. Blant annet: Storebrand, Microsoft, DnB Nor, Dagbladet og programutvikling.
Vi har huset premierefester for flere store norske filmer og hatt prisutdelinger som Komiprisen med Nrk flere år.
Blant våre største scenesuksesser finner du navn som: Dagfinn Lyngbø, Rune Andersen, Ingrid Bjørnov, Marit Voldsæter, Anne Kat Hærland, Otto Jespersen Atle Antonsen og Johan Golden.
Du finner oss usedvanlig sentralt beliggende på Aker Brygge, i Oslos kanskje kuleste lokaler.
På ti årsdagen for DSAD vil vi svært gjerne dvele ved noe av det mange markedsførere opplever som det aller viktigste. Nemlig å skape vekst. For oss er det da helt naturlig å da ta tak i boken ”How brands grow, part 2”.
Som vi har sagt mange ganger før er det ingen annen bok i nyere tids markedsføringslitteratur som har fått så mange tilhengere i Norge enn bok nr 1 i samme serie; ”How brands grow part 1”. Vi synes det er litt stas at vi ved begge utgivelser har klart kunststykket å fly inn en travel hovedforfatter, respektive Jenni Romaniuk og Byron Sharp til Norge. Og ved begge anledninger bidrar vi til folkeopplysning i markedsføringsbransjen ved å gi boken gratis til alle deltagerne på DSAD.
I år bygger vi dagen konseptuelt rundt bokens tematikk. Det handler om vekst. Dette ønsker vi å belyse på forskjellige måter. David Alberts fra ”Been there done that” representerer et nettverk av kreative og strategiske stjerner som hver for seg har gjort alt før. I dag er de samme aktørene tilgjengelig i et myteomspunnet nettverk som jobber raskt og kanskje også rimeligere. For mange ensbetydende med raskere vekst.
VICE og Mark Adams tar content til nye høyder med sin annerledes tilnærming. Det er ikke uten grunn VICE har inntatt dagens posisjon i en medieverden som sliter.
Thomas Kolster er Mr Goodvertising. Ansvarlighet og en ”do good” holdning vil være avgjørende for både vekst og suksess fremover.
En som gjør dette i praksis er Vigga. Vigga Svendsen forteller selv historien hvor en sirkulær økonomi basert på gjenbruk av barneklær faktisk skaper vekst.
At Pepsi Co er opptatt av vekst tviler ingen på. Mark Kirkham viser ved hjelp av caset Pepsi Max hvordan nye kanaler og tilnærminger skaper vekst i kategorien, og det spesielt i yngre målgrupper.
At matematikk og i særdeleshet algoritmer har inntatt markedsføringsbransjen de senere år er udiskuterbart. Dette er verken nytt eller spesielt banebrytende. Faktum er likevel at troen på matematikken blant markedsførere aldri har vært større. Roger Antonsen har svarene.
På DSAD presenterer vi også smakebiter på noen undersøkelser og prosjekter i regi av ANFO. Muligens drar vi en liten debatt i forbindelse med dette. Men helt sikkert er det at prisen for årets foredragsholder skal deles ut til en verdig vinner.
Onsdag 12.10.2016
01 / 01
08:45 - 09:00
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Jan Morten Drange, Administrerende Direktør, ANFO
Drange er administrerende direktør i ANFO. En stilling han har hatt siden 2012. Før det jobbet han med ANFO sine konferanser. Drange er utdannet siviløkonom og bakgrunn fra media og reklame. Etter "noen år" i bransjen har Jan Morten et omfattende nettverk både i Norge og internasjonalt. Drange sitter også i WFA (World Federation of Advertisers) Excetutive Committee. Han er opptatt av både faget vårt og tilstøtende bransjeområder.
09:00 - 09:50
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How Brands Grow Part 2
Jenni Romaniuk , Author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Innen den norske markedsføringsbransjen er det få bøker som har fått mer omtale enn "How brands grow; What marketers don´t know." For seks år siden fløy vi Byron Sharp (som da var hovedforfatter) inn fra Adelaide i Australia og delte ut 300 bøker til gjester på DSAD. Siden da er det mange i vår bransje som aktivt både har brukt og referert til både boken og Byron Sharp.
Når en så sentral bok får en oppfølger i "How brands grow Part 2" synes vi det er helt naturlig at også vi i ANFO gjør en oppfølger på en tidligere suksess. Vi bygger faktisk hele dagen på nettopp «How brands grow».
Jenni Romaniuk var co forfatter til Byron sist mens Part 2 er et fellesprosjekt forfattet av duoen Sharp-Romaniuk. Vi har 400 bøker på vent til årets DSAD. Det er bare å melde seg på. Bøker til de 400 første påmeldte. Som Jenni og Byron sier; "This book will change the way you think about marketing forever".
09:50 - 10:20
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“Growth through data ownership and data monetization”
Stefan Sommer, Stefan Sommer, Adform
Stefan will show the challenges advertiser facing today in terms of digital advertising. He will outline how advertiser can approach these challenges by focusing on data ownership and monetize their own data themselves. As Stefan is a former employee of Deutsche Telekom, he will also show how DT approached in the last years to this challenge.
10:20 - 10:50
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Kaffe og møte sponsorer
Kaffe og møte sponsorer
10:50 - 11:20
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Goodvertising, because advertising is no good
Thomas Kolster, Author, Speaker, Mr. Goodvertising
Advertising is being fundamentally challenged. Forward-thinking brands are turning away from empty sales pitches and snappy jokes to conversations about what matters to people and planet like water scarcity, unemployment and online privacy. In a radical transparent world there’s no room for self-serving brands. Through global examples Thomas will show how brands are turning challenges into success stories where profit.
11:20 - 11:50
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"Re-think consumption -The day your child’s wardrobe got smarter than yours”
Vigga Svensson, Prominent entrepreneur, VIGGA
After producing one million pieces of CSR-friendly children’s clothing - VIGGA decided it was time to challenge the industry itself and the way we consume.
VIGGA is the founder of a circular economy business model in the textile industry. An alternative to the mindless throw-away society.
Lær og bli inspirert av et innovativt og spennende business case innenfor sirkulær økonomi.
11:50 - 12:20
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Lunsj, mingle og møte sponsorer
Lunsj, mingle og møte sponsorer
12:50 - 13:20
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Matematikkens rolle i markedsføring
Roger Antonsen, Universitetet i Oslo
Matematikken har vært en del av markedsføringsfaget helt siden starten. Men aldri har troen på at matematiske formler skal kunne løse alle våre markedsføringsutfordringer vært større. Vi omgis av algoritmer, modeller, datasett osv. overalt. Hvilken rolle har matematikken spilt, hvilken rolle spiller den nå og hvilken rolle vi matematikken ha i fremtidens markedsføring?
13:20 - 13:50
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Det store Annonsørpanelet
Det store Annonsørpanelet
14:05 - 14:35
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Frukt og møte sponsorer
Frukt og møte sponsorer
14:35 - 15:05
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Imagine if planners operated like Special Forces but were run
David Alberts, BeenThereDoneThat
In a world dominated by new models such as AirBnB and Uber why does our industry still look very much like the days dominated by Don Draper. David Alberts (previously Chief Creative Officer of Crowd Sourcing Company MoFilm, now Founder of BeenThereDoneThat) discusses the new Marketing F-Words (delivering faster, fresher and at a fraction of a cost) how lead thinking is more important than having a lead agency and how Curation is becoming more important than Creation.
BeenThereDoneThat, is a global community of over 100 of the very best creative, strategic thinkers in the world. They have a new model that means clients can access the very best brains in the business as and when they need them. They develop thinking within a week at a fraction of the cost of an agency and have had a lot of success working with a range of clients from multi-nationals to start-ups, on everything from brand positioning to defining a brand purpose.
15:05 - 15:35
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VICE - Mark Adams
Mark Adams, Senior Vice President & Head of Innovation, VICE
VICE specializes in exploring uncomfortable truths and going to places we don't belong. Herein you will find people talking frankly about their hatred and love for various things, general heresy, the only culture, travel and news documentaries you'll want to watch, tons of exclusive new stuff, and probably not a lot of cats. You're welcome.
Tactic RTM AS er en dataplattform (Software as a Service) for brukervennlig, effektiv og målrettet produksjon og styring av nett- og skjermbasert reklame i sanntid. Tactic gir annonsører (merkevarer), mediebyråer og reklamebyråer muligheten til å gjenbruke, endre og styre innholdet på digitale annonsekanaler eller skjermer i sanntid. I tillegg gir bruk av Tactic muligheten for automatisering av annonseproduksjon basert på eksterne faktorer som kontekst, algoritmer, cookies, lagerstatus eller andre parametre.
Mark Adams
Senior Vice President & Head of Innovation, VICE
David Alberts
, BeenThereDoneThat
Roger Antonsen
, Universitetet i Oslo
Vigga Svensson
Prominent entrepreneur, VIGGA
Thomas Kolster
Author, Speaker, Mr. Goodvertising
Stefan Sommer
, Stefan Sommer, Adform
Jenni Romaniuk
Author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Jan Morten Drange
Administrerende Direktør, ANFO
Mark Adams Senior Vice President & Head of Innovation, VICE
Its been quite a year so far for Mark! Starting with The Guardian awarding Mark the accolade of “Star of Tech City” describing him as “one of the people who are changing our world and helping to boost economic growth.” Mark was then asked to do a TED talk and named as one of the “Silicon 60 Global Tech Entrepreneurs.” Shortly after came the "Most Influential Londoners" list In the Evening Standard, then “The Sunday Times Top 500 people in Britain,” topped off with the “Debretts Top 10 Digital List” and finally Mark was appointed as Senior Vice President and Head of Innovation at VICE - the "Mulit-Billion dollar youth media powerhouse," (Fortune) described as "The CNN of the street" (Fast Company) and "the most innovative company in the Media world" (Forbes). Prior to VICE, Mark was the Co-Founder of the AudienceUK, which raised $20million in funding from Sean Parker (co-founder of Facebook) and Ari Emmanael (CEO of William Morris Endeavour Talent Agency,) to operate as the digital creative directors for 1000’s of the worlds most iconic rockstars, sportstars, actors, celebrities and public figures. The company consulted them on how to rewire their brands for the digital age and exploit the opportunities presented by the new media landscape and in the process built the worlds largest new media publishing platform, reaching over 1 billion people a month with its content. Mark’s came to The Audience following the evolution of his own social media start-up, UNION, which was the first ever recorded social media agency, founded as a student in 2005. UNION quickly grew to be the UK’s largest Social Media Agency for A-List list clients and Entertainment brands before becoming part of William Morris Endeveour Talent Agency. Mark is now a highly in-demand keynote speaker who presents extensively at industry conferences and events worldwide – his fun and provocative talks are designed to demystify the techniques and key learnings he has acquired along the way and make them useful to anyone wishing to win in the new media space. Mark holds a Bachelors degree in Law from the University College London and a Masters degree in Constitutional Law from the University of London where he now teaches a course in digital media.
David Alberts , BeenThereDoneThat
David Alberts has lived on four continents and created award-winning multi platform content campaigns in over 42 countries for some of the world’s largest brands. Starting in Agency world he successfully ran Creative Agencies in Asia (twice Asian Agency and of the year) and Australia (Agency of Year) finishing his agency career as Chairman and Executive Creative Director of Grey London where his interest in collaborative longer form content and programs that lay outside the agency TV-centric business model led him to a new chapter. Realising the need to create greater audience engagement and the potential of ‘Connecting Companies to Causes and Causes to Cash Registers’, David founded WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn? in January 2008, partnering with MSN Worldwide to create an online content channel and was engaged with both short film and feature film directors providing a platform for brands to have both a strategic and socially relevant conversation with their audience. In 2011 David joined MOFILM as Chief Creative Officer overseeing all creative and strategic direction and continued to develop both short form and long form content projects across all MOFILM clients. During his time at MoFilm it became very clear to David that content was becoming more and more of a commodity and that in today’s world curation was even more important than creation. In 2014 David co-founded BeenThereDoneThat a global network of over 100 CSO across 25 markets providing clients access to the world’s very best thinkers. He has created National Contemporary Art Prizes, Global Film Competitions, Animation Series, Photographic Magazines, Documentaries, Short Films, written books and experiential theatre productions. David’s philosophy to life has always been, he who collects the most stories wins. His greatest fear is not being relevant.
Roger Antonsen , Universitetet i Oslo
Forsker, forfatter, foreleser, formidler, logiker, matematiker, informatiker, oppfinner, sjonglør og førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo.
Vigga Svensson Prominent entrepreneur, VIGGA
Vigga Svensson is a prominent entrepreneur, who has spent the last 12 years on developing business models that foster sustainable consumption. Vigga has a firm belief that sustainability no longer entails compromises on price and quality, and is dedicating her career to spreading this message across the world. In 2015 she co-founded the world’s first circular subscription service for organic kid’s wear, VIGGA. In her presentation she will share the idea behind the innovative concept and the experiences after 15 months on the market.
Thomas Kolster Author, Speaker, Mr. Goodvertising
Stefan Sommer , Stefan Sommer, Adform
Stefan studied Business Informatics and East Asian Studies at the Technical University Dresden. Since 2009 Stefan is doing his PhD at TU Dresden on the subject of pre-processing of data from social networks for sentiment analysis. In his professional career Stefan worked at the TU Dresden and headed a consulting team at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, before in 2014 he joined the Deutsche Telekom in Bonn. At Deutsche Telekom he was responsible to build up the data-driven eco-system DT and was responsible for the Digital Analytics in Germany. Since September 2016 Stefan has been with Adform at Director Enterprise Integration and here his main responsibilities are the global onboarding and integration for enterprise customer as well as the partner management worldwide.
Jenni Romaniuk Author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Jenni Romaniuk - Biography "Professor Jenni Romaniuk is author of How Brands Grow Part 2, and Associate Director (International) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute - the world’s largest centre for research into Marketing. Jenni's research covers brand equity, mental availability, brand health metrics, advertising effectiveness, distinctive assets, word of mouth and the role of loyalty and growth. She developed the Distinctive Asset Grid; a tool to assess the strength and strategic potential of a brand’s distinctive assets, and is a pioneer in mental availability measurement and metrics. Jenni has worked with many the world’s biggest brands. Through her work at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute and her new book How Brands Grow Part 2 (co-authored with Byron Sharp) she is taking marketers all over the world on a journey to smarter, evidence-based marketing.”