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Dialogkonferansen 2018
26.08.2018 -
Strömstad Spa, , Strömstad
Strömstad Spa, , Strömstad
Bli med på Skandinavias største og beste konferanse innen CRM, CX og digital markedsføring!
22 år på rad har Dialogkonferansen vært bransjens hovedarena for læring, refleksjon, diskusjon, nettverksbygging - samt ren og skjær kos og latter.
Vi flyr inn foredragsholdere fra ledende merkevarer over hele verden. De er himmelfalne over vårt faglige nivå og sosiale program. Det samme sier deltagerne. Som å møte gamle venner sier de. Vi i Netlife er enige. Vi gjør alt sammen selv. Med hjertet og kulturen vår som grunnlag. Og et brennende ønske om å vise fram det beste i bransjen.
Vi tar vare på deg om dagen, hele kvelden og langt inn i nattetimene. Bli med på vårt eventyr. Det har vært utsolgt fem år på rad. Meld deg på nå - og få 3,5 dag med fagprogram, inklusive hotell, båtturer, barbecue, gallamiddager, DJ, dans og alt - likevel betaler du ikke mer enn for en helt vanlig og litt kjedelig dagkonferanse i Oslo!
From Netlife, with love.
Sondag 26.08.2018
01 / 04
08:30 - 08:30
Express bus Copenhagen - Tostrup and Lyngby
12:00 - 12:00
Express Bus Oslo Central Station
13:00 - 18:00
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Golf Tournament Stromstad Golf Club
15:00 - 15:00
Check in opens at Stromstad Spa and Laholmen
15:30 - 17:30
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Mattias Andersson, Former Head of CRM Analytics, SAS Airlines, now Partner, House of Friends
Mårten Tilosius, Partner, Friends & Insights (part of House of Friends), Sweden
Effektivare och lönsammare kommunikation
15:30 - 17:30
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Kayaking in the canals and small islands
19:30 - 20:00
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Conference boat trip in the sunset, from both Laholmen and Stromstad Spa
20:00 - 22:30
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Barbecue on the terrace - overlooking the sea - in the beautiful sunset
Mandag 27.08.2018
02 / 04
06:45 - 06:45
09:00 - 09:45
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Gunjan Bhow, Senior Vice President/General Manager Digital, The Walt Disney Company, USA
Digital Transformation - Evolving from buzzword to creating business value
09:00 - 11:45
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Christina Ioannidis, CEO, Aquitude, UK
Masterclass Omnichannel Customer Experience
10:00 - 10:45
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Fred Neil, Head of Consumer Marketing, Amazon, USA
World-class customer lifecycle marketing
10:00 - 10:00
11:00 - 11:45
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Anuraag Trikha, Global Director, Marketing Communications, Heineken, Netherlands
Cool is a Big Word - Heineken on Making Moderation Trendy
11:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:10
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MAIN STAGE: CASES (rom 1-2):
Mattias Andersson, Former Head of CRM Analytics, SAS Airlines, now Partner, House of Friends
Friends & Insights, tidl Head of CRM Analytics, SAS Scandinavian, Sverige
12:30 - 13:10
Anne Buchwald, CRM Manager, DR Koncerthuset, Denmark
Olivier Poivey, Co-founder and Partner, ONE Marketing AS, Denmark
12:30 - 14:30
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Christina Ioannidis, CEO, Aquitude, UK
13:20 - 14:00
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MAIN STAGE: CASES (rom 1-2):
Magdalena Strömberg,, CRM Marketing Manager,, If Skadeförsäkring, Sverige.
If P&C Insurance, Sweden
13:20 - 14:00
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Jennifer Winberg, Sr. Account Director, MXM, USA
14:10 - 14:50
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MAIN STAGE: CASES (rom 1-2):
Sara Riis Carstensen, Global Director of Brand Development, LEGO Group, UK
LEGO Brand Identity & Experience
14:10 - 14:50
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Anna-Lena Olsson, Chief Experimental Officer & Co-founder, Ignation, Sweden
Ignation Sthlm
15:00 - 15:40
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MAIN STAGE: CASES (rom 1-2):
Jenny Engström, Kommunikasjonsansvarlig, Svenska Turistföreningen, Sweden
Svenska Turistföreningen
15:00 - 15:40
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Andreas Markewärn, CEO, Next State Labs, Sweden
Next State Labs, Sverige
15:00 - 17:00
Christina Ioannidis, CEO, Aquitude, UK
15:50 - 16:30
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Laura Hilliger, Swiss Army Knife, Greenpeace International, Germany
Cut the crap, help people act: How Greenpeace is entering a new era
16:40 - 17:20
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Thomas Marzano, Global Head of Brand Experience, Philips, Netherlands
The sonic branding of Philips
17:20 - 18:00
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Discover Dialogkonferansen! Make new friends, say hello to old ones!
19:00 - 19:00
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Arild Horsberg,, Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
Official opening & State of the Union
20:00 - 03:00
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Official Photo Shoot - Outdoor Champagne Reception & Formal Dinner at Stromstad Spa, Entertainment - Bar - Outdoor Lounge - Dance
Tirsdag 28.08.2018
03 / 04
08:30 - 09:15
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Fernando Machado, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Burger King, USA
Analytisk drevne og personaliserte kundeopplevelser i et omnikanal perspektiv på 90 dager
14:30 - 15:15
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Camilla Svensson, Regional Marketing Manager, Libero, SCA Hygiene Products, Sweden
Libero, SCA Hygiene Products, Sweden
14:30 - 15:15
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Louise Høegh, Digital dialog manager, PensionDanmark, Denmark
15:30 - 16:15
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Johanna Sahlman, Head of Marketing, Halebop, Sweden
Halebop, Sverige
15:30 - 16:15
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Ian Dewar,, CRM & Layalty, , The North Face, USA.
The North Face, USA
16:30 - 17:15
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Hasse Brontén, Standup-komiker, Roa Produktion, Sweden
Fra politimester til komiker
19:00 - 19:00
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Our own Island Ferries (from both Laholmen and Stromstad Spa) - Beautiful Sunset trip - Fantastic Buffet - Entertainment at beautiful Koster island
23:30 - 23:30
Express ferry to both Stromstad Spa and Laholmen
23:50 - 03:00
Club, dance, bar at Stromstad Spa
Onsdag 29.08.2018
04 / 04
08:30 - 09:15
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Erica Eden, Director of Global Design Innovation, PepsiCo, USA
Women Are Not Robots - A Case for a Human Approach to Innovation
09:30 - 10:15
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Adam Lassoued, Digital Marketing Manager, Cancerfonden, Sweden
Cancerfonden, Sverige
09:30 - 10:15
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Mike Lynch, Commander Indigenous Covert Operations Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, British Army, UK
09:30 - 10:15
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Jake Annear, Manager, Digital Marketing and Innovation, Moët Hennessy, USA
Moët Hennessy USA
10:30 - 11:15
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Jason Neubauer, CEO and Founder, Santa Claus Affect and Co-founder of Gen Z & Millennial Division, Sprint Communications Inc, USA
How Gen Z and Millennials are Using Social Media for Social Good
10:30 - 11:15
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Mark Pollock, Explorer, Innovator & Collaboration Catalyst, UK
Mark Pollock, Explorer & Innovator, UK
10:30 - 11:15
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Samantha Starmer, former Vice President, Global Digital Experiences, Ralph Lauren, USA
Ralph Lauren, USA
11:15 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
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Anuraag Trikha, Global Director, Marketing Communications, Heineken, Netherlands
Amazon Appstore - Driving Growth & Engagement through Triggers and Rewards Program,
12:00 - 12:45
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Josh Valman, Founder and CEO, RPD Internation, UK
The future of Innovation, UK
13:00 - 13:45
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Swan Sit, VP Global Digital at Revlon/Elizabeth Arden, USA
Accelerating Digital into a hundred year-old brand
13:00 - 13:45
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Sigurd Granmark, Mental trener og foredragsholder, Tidligere leder Adidas gruppen i Norge
14:00 - 14:45
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Monique Elliot, Chief Marketing Officer, GE Power, USA
From Friction to Fusion: How Marketers Innovate in Traditional Industries
14:45 - 14:50
Dialogkonferansen 2018 - Closing
Arild Horsberg,, Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
15:15 - 15:15
Buses for Oslo and Copenhagen
Mattias Andersson
Former Head of CRM Analytics, SAS Airlines, now Partner, House of Friends
Johanna Åberg
Head of CRM, ATG, Sweden
Arild Horsberg,
Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
Hilde Thorjussen
Prosjektleder CRM, Egmont Publishing, Norway
Lotta Forså
Nordic Customer Interaction Manager, BMW Financial Services, Sweden
Fernando Machado
Global Chief Marketing Officer, Burger King, USA
Sara Riis Carstensen
Global Director of Brand Development, LEGO Group, UK
Olivier Poivey
Co-founder and Partner, ONE Marketing AS, Denmark
Anne Buchwald
CRM Manager, DR Koncerthuset, Denmark
Thomas Marzano
Global Head of Brand Experience, Philips, Netherlands
Jenny Engström
Kommunikasjonsansvarlig, Svenska Turistföreningen, Sweden
Andreas Markewärn
CEO, Next State Labs, Sweden
Christina Ioannidis
CEO, Aquitude, UK
Laura Hilliger
Swiss Army Knife, Greenpeace International, Germany
Monique Elliot
Chief Marketing Officer, GE Power, USA
Swan Sit
VP Global Digital at Revlon/Elizabeth Arden, USA,
Anuraag Trikha
Global Director, Marketing Communications, Heineken, Netherlands
Adam Lassoued
Digital Marketing Manager, Cancerfonden, Sweden
Mike Lynch
Commander Indigenous Covert Operations Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, British Army, UK
Erica Eden
Director of Global Design Innovation, PepsiCo, USA
Hasse Brontén
Standup-komiker, Roa Produktion, Sweden
Camilla Svensson
Regional Marketing Manager, Libero, SCA Hygiene Products, Sweden
Zvi Goldstein
CMO, Interflora, Denmark
Jason Neubauer
CEO and Founder, Santa Claus Affect and Co-founder of Gen Z & Millennial Division, Sprint Communications Inc, USA
Jake Annear
Manager, Digital Marketing and Innovation, Moët Hennessy, USA
Johanna Sahlman
Head of Marketing, Halebop, Sweden
Sigurd Granmark
Mental trener og foredragsholder, Tidligere leder Adidas gruppen i Norge
Josh Valman
Founder and CEO, RPD Internation, UK
Ian Dewar,
CRM & Layalty, , The North Face, USA.
Mark Pollock
Explorer, Innovator & Collaboration Catalyst, UK
Samantha Starmer
former Vice President, Global Digital Experiences, Ralph Lauren, USA
Louise Høegh
Digital dialog manager, PensionDanmark, Denmark
Maja Dzafic
CRM Manager, Nordic Choice Hotels
Åsa Appelqvist
CRM-sjef, Liseberg, Sweden
Pär Johansson
Founder, Glada Hudikteatern, Sweden
Mads Wilson
Member of the Board, Copenhagen Suborbitals, Denmark
David Baum
Chief Executive Officer og Co-founder, Monner, Norway
Jarle Johansen Hovland
Senior løsningsarkitekt, Netlife Dialog, Norway
Håvard Kvinnesland
Senior løsningsarkitekt, Netlife Dialog, Norway
Maria Rosén
Markedssjef, Destination Järvsö, Sweden
Erik Poppe
Leder, Data Science, Netlife Dialog, Norway
Anna-Lena Olsson
Chief Experimental Officer & Co-founder, Ignation, Sweden
Magdalena Strömberg,
CRM Marketing Manager,, If Skadeförsäkring, Sverige.
Jennifer Winberg
Sr. Account Director, MXM, USA
Mårten Tilosius
Partner, Friends & Insights (part of House of Friends), Sweden
Fred Neil
Head of Consumer Marketing, Amazon, USA
Gunjan Bhow
Senior Vice President/General Manager Digital, The Walt Disney Company, USA
Mattias Andersson Former Head of CRM Analytics, SAS Airlines, now Partner, House of Friends
Data- og innsiktsdrevet kommunikasjon - tips og triks fra en 45-årig digital innvandrer
Teknologien utvikler seg i rasende fart i dag, og det kan være vanskelig å følge med, spesielt om man er en "digital innvandrer". Mattias Andersson har satt sammen en toppliste med konkrete tips for hvordan bedrifter og organisasjoner kan benytte dagens teknologi til å arbeide mer data- og innsiktsdrevet.
Mattias Andersson har lang og solid erfaring med analyse og CRM. Før han startet Friends & Insights (et selskap innen House of Friends Group) jobbet han som leder av CRM Analytics hos Scandinavian Airlines, hvor et av hovedoppdragene var arbeidet med den digitale transformasjonen som ledet til et mer data- og innsiktsdrevet SAS. Han har også vært CRM- & Kundklubbsansvarig for Twilfit, samt analysesjef for 3 i Sverige.
Mattias er til og med omtalt i boken "30 Advices from 30 Greatest Professionals in CRM and Customer Service in the World". Han jobber også i styrene Svenska Downföreningen og Sucasas Group, som driver merkevaren Macacos.
Johanna Åberg Head of CRM, ATG, Sweden
Kundelojalitet - like enkelt (og vanskelig) som vennskap
Johanna deler innsikt ATG har opparbeidet seg og hvordan de arbeider i kampen om kundene - hva virker og hva virker ikke så bra. Lojalitet til et selskap krever at man ser kundene og setter pris på dem. Det holder ikke med gode tilbud - det er like viktig å droppe irrelevant og feilaktig informasjon.
ATG er Sveriges svar på Rikstoto og har siden 1974 hatt monopol på spill på hester. De er ikke uten konkurranse i markedet, men har hatt andre forutsetninger og vilkår. Alt tyder nå på at monopolet byttes ut med en lisensordning 1. januar 2019 - noe som gjør kampen om kundene enda viktigere. De må vinne kundenes tillit for at de blir værende når tilbudet blir større.
Arild Horsberg, Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
Arild startet Dialogkonferansen i 1997 og har ledet dagens Bring Dialog fra den spede begynnelse med to ansatte. Han er Sivil-økonom fra Universitetet i Lund, Sverige og var tidligere med på å starte opp og ledet Vega Software, det da ledende PC-systemet for kundeoppfølging. Bring Dialogs historie startet i 1992 med selskapet Mailbox, som etter hvert ble til talk2me – og i dag det ledende i Norge innen CRM og kundedialog. Selskapet har det største og sterkeste fagmiljøet i bransjen, rundt 85 dyktige og entusiastiske spesialister som alle jobber med et felles mål: Å hjelpe oppdragsgivere med å utvikle og drifte lønnsomme kunde-relasjoner i alle 1:1 kanaler. Selskapet leverer en unik og integrert kundereise innen kundestrategi, analytisk CRM, systemløsninger og 1:1 kommunikasjon i alle kanaler.
Lotta Forså Nordic Customer Interaction Manager, BMW Financial Services, Sweden
BMWs reise mot datadreven kundeopplevelse
Bilindustrien står overfor store digitale muligheter, selvkjørende og tilkoblede biler, mange atferdsdata, men også høye forventninger fra kunder. Vårt merkevare stiller krav på kundedialogen, design og kreativ høyde. Det må være riktig i alle kanaler, til rett tid.
Med smarte analyser kan vi identifisere hvilken bil kunden sannsynligvis vil være interessert i ved neste kjøp, når og hvorfor. Dette er forutsatt at vi lykkes i å samarbeide på en god måte mellom forhandlere, BMW Financial Services, BMW Sweden og alle våre partnere. Utfordringene og mulighetene er uendelige ...
Lotta har lang erfaring med å jobbe vellykket med CRM og CEx fra en rekke bransjer.
Fernando Machado Global Chief Marketing Officer, Burger King, USA
Burger King is one of the most iconic brands of all times. However, for some reason, Burger King got stuck in time. The positive memories around the brand started to fade. The brand lost its edge and started to fall in the common place. How to change this downward trajectory? How to win a hyper competitive market when you are on a budget? How many category norms should I break (if any)? How to make your entire organisation embrace brand change?
Fernando is currently the Head of Marketing of Burger King. In 2013, Fernando Machado was award the Grand Brand Genius award by Adweek. He was also labeled International Marketer of the Year that year by M&M Global.
Sara Riis Carstensen Global Director of Brand Development, LEGO Group, UK
Brand Building. Brick by Brick
When Sara began working for LEGO there was not a strategy or a dedicated department working on the brand, so she had to start from scratch. She is responsible for driving the toy company's successful brand positioning across Europe, the US and Asia. A dedicated brand strategy and its successful implementation, has made LEGO one of the most recognizable brands around the globe.
With the energy, excitement and passion for branding and marketing, Sara makes it easy for audiences to share her passion. Inspiring, insightful and fast paced she shares expert knowledge and experience.
Olivier Poivey Co-founder and Partner, ONE Marketing AS, Denmark
Automated Personalisation Story: DR Koncerthuset
A close collaboration between DR Concert Hall and ONE Marketing has result in the development of the "ONE Prediction marketing robot", which use cognitive analysis and machine learning to assess how relevant a concert is for each client on an individual basis.
The results compared to traditional forms for modelling are stunning: We lifted sales by 83% compared to control group.
Anne Buchwald is a strong CRM profile and has spent the last 10 years implementing CRM in large organizations in Denmark.
Olivier Poivey, co-founder and partner in ONE Marketing, is focusing on helping his clients - typically medium to large Danish and Nordic companies - realise the business case that lies in data-driven, multi channel 1 to 1 marketing.
Anne Buchwald CRM Manager, DR Koncerthuset, Denmark
Automated Personalisation Story: DR Koncerthuset
A close collaboration between DR Concert Hall and ONE Marketing has result in the development of the "ONE Prediction marketing robot", which use cognitive analysis and machine learning to assess how relevant a concert is for each client on an individual basis.
The results compared to traditional forms for modelling are stunning: We lifted sales by 83% compared to control group.
Anne Buchwald is a strong CRM profile and has spent the last 10 years implementing CRM in large organizations in Denmark.
Olivier Poivey, co-founder and partner in ONE Marketing, is focusing on helping his clients - typically medium to large Danish and Nordic companies - realise the business case that lies in data-driven, multi channel 1 to 1 marketing.
Thomas Marzano Global Head of Brand Experience, Philips, Netherlands
The sonic branding of Philips
Thomas Marzano is Head of Brand Design at Philips. Earlier he was responsible for Philips’ Online Brand Communications. Unlike any other executives of global brands, Thomas is really active on the social media and he has an impressive number (40K+) of followers on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Thomas is conversational, authentic and very approachable, and people love to interact with him, asking him about everything, from design in general to social media or about Philips. He is so passionate about Philips that after listening to him you have no doubt that Philips is the brand to work for.
One of Thomas’ roles is to align brand experience design with marketing, branding and product development. One of the most exciting tasks was redesigning the new Philips brand identity and the Philips logo that was recently introduced worldwide. The logo was one of the key elements of the entire brand identity system.
Jenny Engström Kommunikasjonsansvarlig, Svenska Turistföreningen, Sweden
Kommunisere med hjertet - Om å være relevant, ekte og å tørre!
Jenny Engström deler historien om en av verdens største markedsføringssuksesser i moderne tid - The Swedish Number. Hun ble kåret til Sveriges Superkommunikatør 2017 og forteller om betydningen av å kommunisere med hjertet, være relevant, ekte og å tørre.
Det finnes mye ved siden av veien, litt lengre inn i skogen og litt lengre opp på fjellet. Svenska Turistföreningen (STF) er en av Sveriges største ideelle organisasjoner med ca 238 000 medlemmer. Ved å guide og inspirere til små og store eventyr får de flere til å oppleve alt Sverige har å by på. De er en tydelig stemme for saker som infrastruktur, allemannsretten og natur- og kulturturisme.
Andreas Markewärn CEO, Next State Labs, Sweden
AI for markedsførere
Del 1 av workshopen: 09:30-11:30
Del 2 av workshopen: 13:30-16:15
Denne heldags Workshopen gir deg grunnleggende forståelse for AI for markedsførere i en stadig mer digital hverdag. Du får en oversikt over de AI-plattformene som finnes og hvordan de kan hjelpe deg i din hverdag som markedsfører. Andreas gjennomgår metodikk for å forstå hvordan du kan bruke data smartere ved hjelp av AI og hvordan koble metodikken til måling og nøkkeltall.
Mange markedsførere har store forventninger til AI, men hvordan passer det inn for å bli den støtten som du trenger? Andreas presenterer eksempler på hvordan du kan bygge om markedsførings-plattformen for å optimalisere og spille sammen med AI-støtte.
Christina Ioannidis CEO, Aquitude, UK
Masterclass Omnichannel Customer Experience
Part 1: 09:00-11:45
Part 2: 12:30-14:30
Part 3: 15:00-17:00
This hands-on masterclass in Omni-Channel Customer Experience is designed for anyone looking to improve and optimise their customer experience strategy.
Develop New Skills
Learn how to use various tools and techniques to better understand your customers and deliver the best possible experience, in order to build loyalty.
Get Practical
Find out how to implement a successful customer experience transformation, as well as how to measure the results.
Learn From The Best
Learn from best practice across sectors and across channels - online, retail, mobile.
You will learn
Master customer experience fundamentals
Get to grips with the tools and techniques available
Gain customer insight using voice of the customer activities
Master key analytical foundations
Learn powerful customer engagement strategies
Learn how to implement customer experience transformation effectively
Find out how to measure the effectiveness of customer experience change
Learn from global case studies and best practices
About Christina Ionnidis
Christina Ioannidis is an internationally recognized, speaker, trainer and entrepreneur. She is the Chief Engagement Officer of Aquitude, an engagement consultancy, which works with corporations to engage with their main stakeholders – their employees and their customers. She is, also, the Business and Digital Master-trainer of Aquitude.
Laura Hilliger Swiss Army Knife, Greenpeace International, Germany
Cut the crap, help people act: How Greenpeace is entering a new era
In this talk, you’ll hear a story about one of the most iconic brands in the world and how Greenpeace is returning to its roots in a time of social change. Laura Hilliger, Open Strategist at Greenpeace, will show us how Greenpeace is using the power of technology to help everyday people take control and act to protect the planet. And how you can too.
Laura Hilliger is a writer, educator and technologist. She’s a designer and developer, a technical liaison, a project manager. She is working with Greenpeace, a co-founder of the We Are Open Co-op, an Ambassador for Opensource.com and a Mozilla alum.
Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organisation, which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future. Hear the story of one of the most iconic brands in the world and how it is using the power of technology to help people take control to protect the planet.
Monique Elliot Chief Marketing Officer, GE Power, USA
From Friction to Fusion: How Marketers Innovate in Traditional Industries
Monique will discuss the importance of embracing both external customer resistance and internal organizational friction to create new ways of doing business and advancing innovation. Learn how a 130-year old traditional manufacturing company pivoted to adopt innovative B2C ecommerce strategies and technology by infusing a non-traditional approach strategic marketing. Also explore the evolving role of the Chief Strategist and CMO and discuss what new skill sets are valued, how does technology change the game and what new organizational structures are on the horizon.
Monique Elliott is the Chief Marketing Officer at GE Industrial Solutions, GE’s electrification and automation business. In this role, Monique is responsible for all areas of marketing including customer experience, digital marketing, demand generation, eCommerce, product marketing, analytics and strategic planning.
Swan Sit VP Global Digital at Revlon/Elizabeth Arden, USA,
Anuraag Trikha Global Director, Marketing Communications, Heineken, Netherlands
Cool is a Big Word - Heineken on Making Moderation Trendy
Anuraag Trikha will talk about Heineken's role in making moderate drinking cool, including the challenges and successes of these campaigns. Heineken has earmarked responsible consumption as one of its four key areas in its "Brewing a Better Future" pledge. But the key is how to promote moderation successfully. It has to be made cool. It has to be fresh and current.
Anuraag is Heineken's global brand communication director. The last 22 years, before joining Heineken, he helped shaping companies such as Unilever, Proctor &Gamble, Diageo, Fiat, and Yum International.
Adam Lassoued Digital Marketing Manager, Cancerfonden, Sweden
Smart-data som beslutningsgrunnlag
Adam brenner for smart-data som beslutningsgrunnlag. Han forteller om Cancerfondens digitalisering og datadrevne markedsføring. Han snakker blant annet om A/B testing, SEO, digital markedsføring, tracking og analyse av data og programatics. De har flyttet store kampanjer over i den digitale verden og økt konvertering og CTR.
Cancerfondens visjon er å beseire kreft - at færre skal utsettes for sykdommen og flere skal overleve. De samler inn midler for å redde liv gjennom forskning, sprer kunnskap om kreft og bidrar med hjelp og støtte til syke og pårørende.
Mike Lynch Commander Indigenous Covert Operations Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, British Army, UK
How to establish effective teams and motivate them
Mike Lynch was the Major in the British Army who served as the leader of Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was the brain behind many successful covert operations and tactical decisions and gained priceless insight on how to establish effective teams and motivate those teams to work as one cohesive unit.
Fighting against some of the World’s most savage organizations, Mike Lynch has led the charge in countering terrorism and insurgencies with ingenuity and guile. His development and direction of his indigenous covert forces, many of them still in operation today, is testament to his unique and unconventional style of leadership, a pure blend of understanding, tenacity, bravery and humility.
Since retirement, Mike has taken his operational planning and leadership expertise and formulated them into support products for businesses looking to configure their operations for expansion into emerging markets.
Mikes unique story, travels and experiences make for fascinating listening. His views on leadership and motivation are insightful, unconventional and full of lessons learned. His talks are gripping, informative, topical, funny and moving.
Erica Eden Director of Global Design Innovation, PepsiCo, USA
Women Are Not Robots - A Case for a Human Approach to Innovation
If you take a look women’s innovation, it won’t take long to be disappointed. Women are treated like robots - cold machines that only respond to hot pink and high protein. It’s time to make a change and innovate for tribes, not robots. Tribes are real groups of women with shared interest and aspirational lifestyles - a far more human design strategy.
Erica is a strategic thinker and have helped PepsiCo innovate for women by understanding what to make, why it matters and how to connect with design. She founded Femme Den - the first design lab for female consumers. She holds 20+ patents and has been featured on ABC News and in Fast Company, The New York Times, ID magazine, Blueprint and other media.
Hasse Brontén Standup-komiker, Roa Produktion, Sweden
Fra politimester til komiker
Dette inspirasjonsforedraget handler om å gå ut av gamle vaner. Å gjøre det du alltid har drømt om. Å kunne slippe tryggheten du har, for dermed å kunne gjøre noe du ikke trodde du kunne klare.
Det er så mange som klager på jobben sin og på hverdagen, men det er mulig å gi slippet taket uten at verden raser. Hasse forteller hvordan han gjorde det. Og kan man gå fra politimester til standup-komiker er det også mulig å ta mindre steg i livet. Foredraget skal inspirere til å ta tak i det man tenkte å begynne med "på mandag" eller "til neste uke".
Camilla Svensson Regional Marketing Manager, Libero, SCA Hygiene Products, Sweden
How to create obvious place for consumers to hang out at?
How do you stand out and deliver something unique when every brand, retailer and e-commerce has its own loyalty program and consumers are drowning in marketing emails?
Camilla Svensson is the Nordic Marketing Manager for Libero. Together with her team, she has developed the Libero club from an ordinary loyalty program to a personal social network for families and an integral part of consumers everyday life. A club in the original meaning - where people with a common interest get together.
Libero has developed and produced diapers for more than 50 years and is the leading diaper brand in the Nordics. The Libero club started more than 30 years ago with a book and letters sent home to pregnant women. It has since then developed into an email-based club and now a social media network. 80% of Swedish families with babies are members of the club and Libero has a market share of above 60% within diapers in Sweden.
Zvi Goldstein CMO, Interflora, Denmark
Jason Neubauer CEO and Founder, Santa Claus Affect and Co-founder of Gen Z & Millennial Division, Sprint Communications Inc, USA
The Santa Claus Affect Story - How Gen Z and Millennials are using Social Media for Social Good
When Jason Neubauer hit rock bottom in 2016, he had a newborn son, plenty of problems, and no great answers. He came across this Joe Rogan quote, "Are you going to be the hero of my own movie or drown in self-pity?". One late night in his office while his son was sleeping, he searched for positive content and a reason to believe in himself again. It was at this moment the "Santa Claus Affect" was born. The Santa Claus Affect is a social impact business that showcases to the world we can all win together through kindness, giving, and positivity.
Jason is one of the top influencer marketing professionals in the world according to Forbes, and has built three multimillion-dollar businesses utilizing influencers for brand development. His mission is to Affect Change around the world.
Jake Annear Manager, Digital Marketing and Innovation, Moët Hennessy, USA
Legacy Brand Meet Innovation
MOËT HENNESSY USA is the leading importer and marketer of luxury wines, spirits and champagnes in the U.S. The Moët Hennessy portfolio includes renowned brands such as: Hennessy Cognac; Moët & Chandon, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Veuve Clicquot and Ruinart Champagnes; Belvedere Vodka; Volcan de mi Tierra Tequila; Glenmorangie and Ardbeg single malt Scotch whiskies, Woodinville; and fine wines, Ao Yun, Cape Mentelle, Cloudy Bay, Newton Vineyard, Numanthia, Terrazas de Los Andes, Smoke Tree, Chandon California, and Clos19.
Moët Hennessy has a strong consumer focus with an uncompromising commitment to building luxury brands. But how do you drive innovation and digital transformation within such an established, luxury, legacy portfolio? How do you embrace risk and get your teams to think about the rapidly changing consumer journey? And how do you get 200+ year old brands to start disrupting the marketplace in 2018?
Jake is currently the head of the Moet Hennessy Innovation Lab in NYC. He oversees new and emerging technology for the organization working to operationalize their test and learn strategy.
Johanna Sahlman Head of Marketing, Halebop, Sweden
Sigurd Granmark Mental trener og foredragsholder, Tidligere leder Adidas gruppen i Norge
Ikke andre ting, men ting litt annerledes
Da Sigurd tok lederstillingen i Adidas gruppen, var merkevaren en "underdog" i forhold til sin konkurrent, Nike. Han gjorde flere grep for å snu dette og for å gi de ansatte en ny giv og tro på produktet. Ansatte fikk fri en dag i måneden, på én betingelse. De måtte gjøre noe som utviklet dem som ansatte i selskapet.
Sigurd har de siste 10 årene kartlagt hva som gjør at noen organisasjoner, utøvere, ansatte og lag alltid klarer å gjenskape de gode resultatene. Han er tidligere leder av Adidas gruppen i Norge og har lang erfaring som leder av internasjonale selskaper og har mottatt flere utmerkelser for sitt lederskap. Adidas Norge er i dag markedsleder og kåret til den beste organisasjonen i Europa.
Josh Valman Founder and CEO, RPD Internation, UK
The Future of Innovation
Josh designed his first robot at age 10 for the BBC2 show Robot Wars. He taught himself engineering using Google and was soon designing complex components and systems, and then had to seek out companies to make them.
London based RPD helps companies quickly develop new products, test them in their market. Josh's passion for engineering and solving problems has seen RPD go on to power over 100 R&D departments around the world, including the likes of Vodafone, Air New Zealand and Unilever. Josh specializes in making innovation happen, not just talked about.
Ian Dewar, CRM & Layalty, , The North Face, USA.
Ian Dewar calls himself an accidental marketer. Arriving in the outdoor industry on two wheels his evolution from a bicycle tour guide to managing CRM and Loyalty for The North Face was an exercise in perseverance. Projects includes creating VIP programs for key sponsors at the Tour de France, blogging from the Hawaii Ironman and leading treks to Everest Base Camp.
Mark Pollock Explorer, Innovator & Collaboration Catalyst, UK
Encouraging a healthy disregard for the impossible
Mark has problems - he is blind, paralyzed, bald and from Northern Ireland. Mark has talked at TED and spoken at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He is breaking through the barriers that paralysis and blindness have placed around him. It is tough to be resilient when faced with uncertainty. Your people won't do it by chance. With a high-impact catalyst you can help them to lead with courage to make it happen. Mark Pollock is that catalyst.
As he explores the intersection where humans and technology collide, Mark is developing a deep insight into human enhancement and performance. Through his Centre for Radical Collaborations he is a catalyst for connecting people across science, technology, venture philanthropy and marketing to fast-track a cure for paralysis.
Samantha Starmer former Vice President, Global Digital Experiences, Ralph Lauren, USA
Louise Høegh Digital dialog manager, PensionDanmark, Denmark
10,000 ways not to do omnichannel marketing automation
In 2017, PensionDanmark was crowned the best pension company in Europe by IPE, where it was praised for its innovative use of technology, with one judge noting that PensionDanmark “effectively operates in the future.” Louise Høegh and Greg Nagan will discuss the development and implementation of the omnichannel digital dialog system that has enabled PensionDanmark to reach the right members with the right message, at the right time, on the right channel – with an emphasis on some of the painful “learnings” we got along the way.
LOUISE HØEGH heads the Digital Dialog activities at PensionDanmark. The Digital Dialog department is focused on delivering a consistent and modern experience for all members across touchpoints. Before joining PensionDanmark, Louise worked in both the telecom and advertising industries enabling customer dialogue and building loyalty.
GREG NAGAN is a Senior Dialogue Architect at PensionDanmark. Greg has been working as a marketing automation specialist in Denmark 12 years, both as a consultant to firms in a variety of industries from across the Nordics, and as an employee of Berlingske Media and Egmont.
Maja Dzafic CRM Manager, Nordic Choice Hotels
Maja har de siste 8 årene jobbet i Nordic Choice Hotels. Med bakgrunn i både kundeservice, lojalitetsprogrammer, email marketing og CRM har hun en bred erfaring. Maja jobber som CRM Manager i eBerry, Nordic Choice Hotels` digitale selskap og skal snakke om lønnsomhet innen lojalitet og hvorfor de har gått for “De enkle poengene”.
Åsa Appelqvist CRM-sjef, Liseberg, Sweden
Fra usynlig til datadrevet: CRM-prosess i organisasjonen
Åsa har de siste 15 årene jobbet med CRM og relasjons-markedsføring i opplevelsesindustrien, nå senest med Liseberg.
Med digitalisering og foredling av teknikken handler det i dag nesten utelukkende om data-drevet og adferdsstyrt CRM. Hva kreves av forarbeid? Tanken bak, og hvor begynner du? Hva gjør du med innsikten du samler inn? Hvilke data trenger du? Hvordan skape lønnsomhet og hvordan forsvarer du investeringen internt?
Pär Johansson Founder, Glada Hudikteatern, Sweden
I huvudet på en normalstörd!
Att bli sedd, behövd och tagen i anspråk. - För att växa måste man bli sedd och uppskattad för den man är - Med glädje, engagemang och rätt anpassad uppmuntran kan varje människa utvecklas - Mångfald och samarbete mellan olika grupper berikar allas tillvaro
Trots massivt motstånd från omgivningen startade Pär Johansson 1996 Glada Hudikteatern, en teatergrupp där utvecklingsstörda och normalstörda skådespelare agerar sida vid sida. Resan har kantats av en mängd mentala omställningar - hos grundaren, hos de medverkande och inte minst hos omgivningen.
Pärs fulla övertygelse är att om man i skolan möter killar och tjejer med Downs syndrom så får man inte fördomar mot utvecklingsstörda, har man en fröken från ett annat land så blir man inte så lätt rasist. Barn som växer upp så lär aldrig någonsin ifrågasätta människovärdet, det som säger att vi alla är lika betydelsefulla, oavsett kön, hudfärg eller intelligens. Just det har varit en stor drivkraft för teatern: att bryta barriärer mellan människor och få rädsla och fördomar att övergå i vänskap och förståelse.
Pär drivs av en stark passion för det han gör, en del skulle kalla det galenskap. Efter en dryg timme med både skratt och gråt får vi ett kvitto på vad som kan ske om man tänjer på gränserna, trotsar fördomar, tror på människor och ger dem en chans att utvecklas.
Mads Wilson Member of the Board, Copenhagen Suborbitals, Denmark
Tilgang til verdensrommet
Mads forteller om Copenhagen Suborbital - verdens eneste bemannede, amatør-romfartsprogram. De er lokalisert i Danmark og har siden 2011 bygget og fløyet 4 hjemmelagede raketter og romkapsler fra et skip i Østersjøen. Copenhagen Suborbital er en 100% non-profit, crowd-funded program drevet av entusiasme og lidenskap med en drøm å sende en amatør-astronaut ut i rommet og trygt tilbake på jorden. Teamet består av 50-60 ubetalte entusiaster fra smed til rakettforsker som driver prosjektet på fritiden ved siden av vanlige jobber. De har ingen offentlig støtte og er fullstendig finansiert av fans og bidragsytere fra hele verden.
David Baum Chief Executive Officer og Co-founder, Monner, Norway
Alt som er stort, starter i det små
Crowdfunding er den nye, digitale måten å finansiere vekst på. Monner skaffer bedrifter finansiering fra mennesker som bryr seg og har som eneste norske aktør fått konsesjon fra Finanstilsynet. Historien om Monner handler om at alt som er stort har startet i det små.
David er opptatt av å få frem potensialet til de mange små og mellomstore bedriftene. Man kan være relativt liten, og likevel skape en stor opplevelse eller ha stor betydning. Det er så lett å overse det som er lite og la seg forlede av det som allerede er stort. Som serieentreprenør har David vært med å grunnlegge selskaper som Kantega og Signicat. David etablerte Monner sammen med Jarle Holm og leder i dag selskapet.
Analytisk drevne og personaliserte kundeopplevelser i et omnikanalperspektiv på 90 dager
More information will come.
Maria Rosén Markedssjef, Destination Järvsö, Sweden
Järvsö - hvordan place branding, lojalitet og turisme jobber sammen for å nå målet om et voksende samfunn
Mange svensker anser det som en standard å bo i byen, og flere småbyer på landsbygda har store vanskeligheter med å vokse og overleve langsiktig. I Järvsö, som er en liten by midt i Sverige, har vi en bærekraftig strategi - vårt oppdrag er å få folk til å føle seg bedre, og målet vårt er å vokse på en bærekraftig måte. Hør historien om hvordan vi gjør dette mulig gjennom vår lojalitets- og place branding-strategi.
Maria Rosén har bred erfaring innen markedsføring og lojalitet og har jobbet med flere store merkevarer i Sverige, inkludert SAS Eurobonus og SF Bio. Hennes arbeid har blitt tildelt den prestisjetunge gullprisen i Guldnyckeln-kategorien "Best Loyalty Program" i Sverige, og siden 2016 har Maria vært markedsføringsleder for Järvsö. Hennes oppgave er å øke bevisstheten og lojaliteten til Järvsö.
Destination Järvsö AB er en gruppe sterke merkevarer og entreprenører over hele Hälsingland. Vår felles oppgave er å få folk til å føle seg bedre ved å oppdage det fantastiske spekteret av varierte opplevelser gjennom alle sesongene, innen områdene sport, kultur, musikk og mat.
Erik Poppe Leder, Data Science, Netlife Dialog, Norway
Hvorfor du selv ikke tar rasjonelle beslutninger - og hvordan analytiske teknikker kan hjelpe deg.
Anna-Lena Olsson Chief Experimental Officer & Co-founder, Ignation, Sweden
Next Generation Customer Loyalty
Anna-Lena is the founder of the Ignation Innovation Agency and is passionate about changing and improving the world around her with new emerging technology. After many years with a variety of roles in IT and Technology, she now focuses with Ignation on making businesses smart and unique through digital innovation. It's about creating groundbreaking innovation with the goal of making a difference, and Ignation does this with the help of IoT, AI, VR etc. Anna-Lena is coming to the conference to talk about Next Generation Customer Loyalty.
Our next generation of clients have completely different expectations for user experience and service. In order to meet up with this, stand out in the competition and keep your customer´s loyalty, your organizations has to provide new and groundbreaking smart user interaction with the goal of making a difference. But how do you do this ? During Anna-Lena's lecture, she will talk about:
Next generation, who are they?
How do we meet the next generation, and where do we find the sports gear to deliver a service beyond their expectations?
AI - what is it really and where do you start?
Also, Chabot’s how to use them and avoid the pitfalls.
Magdalena Strömberg, CRM Marketing Manager,, If Skadeförsäkring, Sverige.
Magdalena har 15 års erfaring i markedsføring og kommunikasjon fra ulike bransjer. Hun er opptatt av å gi kundene det beste: «En av de mest roliga sakerna med att jobba hos If är att hela tiden fortsätta att utmana oss själva och förbättra vår kommunikation till våra befintliga kunder».
Jennifer Winberg Sr. Account Director, MXM, USA
SOCIAL FATIGUE: Navigating the Ever-Evolving Social Landscape of the Disenchanted Consumer
As consumers became savvy to the fact that they were being targeted, categorized, and click-baited on social media, they are growing more and more weary of the social channels that previously brought them pleasure and happiness, and are beginning to question how these platforms work. Consumers are getting smarter, therefore platforms are having to react and change to the growing social savvy individual. No more smoke and mirrors. So as a brand, how do you continue to capture the attention of your consumer in an emotionally and politically charged area?
Jenn Winberg is Sr. Account and Engagement Director for the Agency MXM where she oversees entertainment accounts including Hulu and Disney. Winberg began her career after graduating from the Film program at the University of North Texas. Moving to New York in 2012 she joined Momentum Worldwide as a Social Strategist working with clients such as Sony, American Express, and Coca Cola. Before joining MXM in LA, launched the day and date film division Lionsgate Premiere.
Mårten Tilosius Partner, Friends & Insights (part of House of Friends), Sweden
Effektivare och lönsammare kommunikation
Dagens kommunikationslandskap förändras i rasande fart. Samtidigt som nya lösningar erbjuder nya möjligheter så ställs det allt högre krav på dialogen med kunder och prospekts. Relevant kommunikation har givetvis alltid varit viktigt, men i samband med införandet av GDPR, samt att dagens analys- och marketing automation-verktyg möjliggör skräddarsydd kommunikation i allt fler kanaler ställer marknaden allt större krav på att du som företag måste vara mer relevant….dessutom i alla kanaler…och gärna i realtid. Denna workshop kommer bl a behandla:
Hur MarTech kan stötta dig i arbetet med att bli mer relevant….i alla kanaler….i realtid.
Cutomer Journey Mapping – hur man kan tänka när man bygger ”kundresor”.
Även om du har världens bästa data och världens bästa IT-system på plats så behöver du eventuellt jobba på ett nytt sätt.
MÅRTEN TILOSIUS - Partner & CEO, Friends & Insights: Mårten är en mycket rutinerad marknadsförare med lång erfarenhet av kundutveckling, brinner för att få ihop kommunikation och insikt till kundprocesser som går att automatisera. Har med ena foten i marknadsföring och den andra inom data & teknik förmågan att få till lösningar som fungerar. Har tidigare under många år drivit Actionbase som alltid varit starka inom Marketing Automation och analys.
MATTIAS ANDERSSON – Partner, Friends & Insights: Mattias har gedigen erfarenhet av Analys- och CRM. Innan han var med och startade Friends & Insights arbetade han som Head of CRM Analytics på Scandinavian Airlines där ett av huvuduppdragen var arbetet med den digitala transformationen som ledde till ett mer kundinsikts- och datadrivet SAS. Dessförinnan var han bl a CRM & Kundklubbsansvarig för Twilfit, samt Analyschef för 3. Mattias medverkar även i boken ”30 Advices from 30 Greatest Professionals in CRM and Customer Service in the World. Han är även en flitigt anlitad föreläsare inom analys och/eller marknadsföringsområdet.
Fred Neil Head of Consumer Marketing, Amazon, USA
World-class customer lifecycle marketing
Fred is the Head of Consumer Marketing for Amazon India where he leads traffic driving initiatives across paid, owned and earned channels, as well as leading the companies Consumer Insights practice. Prior to coming to India in July 2017, Mr. Neil was the Global Head of Marketing and Business Intelligence for Amazon’s Kindle Content Division.
Mr. Neil has held global marketing leadership and strategy positions for various FORTUNE 500 companies across technology, financial services and retail, as well as being the Founding Partner of Spectrum Management Associates, a boutique strategy consulting firm focused on emerging technologies and disruptive innovation for start-ups and global brands. Fred is also an active Angel Investor in the technology space, focusing on consumer facing innovation, primarily in the mobile and technology sectors.
Gunjan Bhow Senior Vice President/General Manager Digital, The Walt Disney Company, USA
Digital Transformation - Evolving from buzzword to creating business value
Digital Transformation appears to be getting over-hyped. The term is used so frequently that it is at risk of losing any meaning or value. As an executive, how do we cut through the hype and the blue sky vision? How do we make investment decisions today when the payout is not clear? How do we measure success? Learn about best practices and analysis that could help you and your businesses create an ROI case with digital transformation.
Gunjan Bhow serves as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Digital/Mobile/eCommerce at The Walt Disney Company. In this role, he is part of the executive team leading the digital transformation of the Walt Disney Company, bringing the Company closer its customers by leading initiatives around data, artificial intelligence, commerce, digital marketing, IoT, and omnichannel. Bhow holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.