Kampanje - media, reklame, teknologi, jobb - Nyheter på nett
28.08.2016 -
Strömstad Spa, , Strömstad
Strömstad Spa, , Strömstad
Velkommen til Dialogkonferansen 2016 – 20. årgang
Skandinavias største, beste og mest berømte konferanse - med 58 unike, internasjonale stjerner innen kundelojalitet, customer experience, digital markedsføring, content marketing, brand building, mobile marketing, CRM og sosiale medier.
2016 Høydepunkter:
• EVP & President Europe - Levi Strauss & Co
• Art/CX Design Director - Disney Interactive
• Global Marketing Digital Media Manager - Maserati
• Head of Global Marketing Technology - Carlsberg
• Senior Manager of CRM & Loyalty - The North Face
• Former Managing Director - Porsche
• Head of International Digital Marketing - KRUG Champagne
• Director, Sales - CNN International
• Author/Speaker - Apple
• Chief storyteller - Patagonia
• Director, Global Content & Programming - GE
Dialogkonferansen koster mindre enn en dagskonferanse i Oslo. Alt er inkludert:
• Program over 3,5 dager.
• 2 (3) overnattinger – alle måltider.
• Vakker skjærgårdstur med båt til Nord-Långø, besøk i den hemmelige hagen, lunsj.
• Golfturnering på Strömstad Golf – Vestkystens flotteste bane, lunsj.
• Barbecue i varm sommerkveld på terrassen med havutsikt.
• Stemningsfull gallamiddag på Strömstad Spa.
• Båttur på Kosterfjorden til Hotel Ekenäs – fantastisk sushi/grill/skalldyrsbuffet.
• Underholdning på Strömstad Spa og Hotel Ekenäs.
• Vår dyktige DJ med suggererende dansemusikk.
• Mange jubileumsoverraskelser!
Dialogkonferansen er den eneste konferansen med felles aktiviteter døgnet rundt og alt er inkludert i prisen! Alt er åpent for alle. Alle deltagere og foredragsholdere er sammen på alle sosiale arrangement. Du blir garantert godt kjent og knytter nye verdifulle og hyggelige kontakter.
Sondag 28.08.2016
01 / 04
13:00 - 18:00
Golf Tournament Strömstad Golf Club
15:30 - 18:00
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Beautiful boat trip from Strömstad Spa to Nord-Långö, visit the secret garden, lunch included
Beautiful boat trip from Strömstad Spa to Nord-Långö, visit the secret garden, lunch included.
Bli med på et lite skjærgårdseventyr! Med avgang fra brygga på Strømstad Spa tar MS Sara oss gjennom skjærgården til «Alaska» på Nord-Långö, der den vakre og hemmelige hagen ligger. Opplev terrasser, tempel, tårn, fantasifulle bygninger og en sjelden blomsterprakt. Vi spiser lunsj på cafeen med passende drikke og nyter sommersolen før båten tar oss tilbake. Båtturen er på 20 minutter.
Conference boat trip in the sunset. Stopping at both Laholmen and Strömstad Spa.
Barbecue on the terrace - overlooking the sea - in the beautiful sunset.
Vår egen ferge går fra Laholmen 19.25 og Strømstad Spa 19.40. En halvtimes båttur gjennom den vakre skjærgården i sensommerkvelden, vi står på akterdekk med et glass i hånden. Ren magi. Vi går i land inne i Strømstads vakre havn og spaserer opp til terrassen og spiser nydelig barbecue rett fra grillen mens solen går ned over Kosterhavet. Retur med fergen 22.30.
15:30 - 17:30
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An afternoon with Dr Kjell Nordström, the highest ranked management thinker in Scandinavia.
Vad var det som hände? I reklamfoldern för den digitala revolutionen 1.0 skulle vi sitta och jobba ute i en stuga på landet. Vi hittar de nya spelreglerna på alla nivåer. De företag som bara bryr sig om att göra sina ägare rika kommer inte att bli attraktiva för kunder och medarbetare.
19:30 - 20:00
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Conference boat trip in the sunset. Stopping at both Laholmen and Strömstad Spa
Beautiful boat trip from Strömstad Spa to Nord-Långö, visit the secret garden, lunch included
Bli med på et lite skjærgårdseventyr! Med avgang fra brygga på Strømstad Spa tar MS Sara oss gjennom skjærgården til «Alaska» på Nord-Långö, der den vakre og hemmelige hagen ligger. Opplev terrasser, tempel, tårn, fantasifulle bygninger og en sjelden blomsterprakt. Vi spiser lunsj på cafeen med passende drikke og nyter sommersolen før båten tar oss tilbake. Båtturen er på 20 minutter.
Conference boat trip in the sunset. Stopping at both Laholmen and Strömstad Spa.
Barbecue on the terrace - overlooking the sea - in the beautiful sunset.
Vår egen ferge går fra Laholmen 19.25 og Strømstad Spa 19.40. En halvtimes båttur gjennom den vakre skjærgården i sensommerkvelden, vi står på akterdekk med et glass i hånden. Ren magi. Vi går i land inne i Strømstads vakre havn og spaserer opp til terrassen og spiser nydelig barbecue rett fra grillen mens solen går ned over Kosterhavet. Retur med fergen 22.30.
20:00 - 22:30
Barbecue on the terrace - overlooking the sea - in the beautiful sunset.
Mandag 29.08.2016
02 / 04
09:00 - 11:45
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WORKSHOP: “Omnichannel - Are you ahead or behind the pack?”
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Årets kundeklubb - vinner av Retail Awards 2015
Mona Adawi,, Head of CRM,, Hemtex, Sverige.
Rom 1
11:20 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:15
Gi kundene et positivt sjokk - service som en konkurransefordel
PG Wettsjö,, EQP Business School AB, Sverige.
12:30 - 13:15
Gi kundene et positivt sjokk - service som en konkurransefordel
PG Wettsjö,, EQP Business School AB, Sverige.
13:35 - 16:15
WORKSHOP: Want loyalty? Buy a dog!
Søren Pedersen,, Business Development Director & Partner,, Wilke A/S
Jonas Sylvest,, CEO & Partner,, Hjaltelin Stahl Direct, Denmark.
13:35 - 16:15
WORKSHOP: Marketing Automation 101
Håvard Kvinesland,, Senior Løsningsarkitekter, Netlife Dialog, Norge
13:35 - 14:20
Fra «Med NAF i hjertet» til «Hva kan NAF tilby meg».
Trine-Lise Olsson,, Head of CRM,, Norges Automobil-Forbund, Norway.
13:35 - 14:20
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Social Media: New Creative Social Platforms
Kelly Colbert,, VP, Social Marketing,, U.S. Bank, USA.
Rom 2
13:35 - 14:20
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The most awarded frequent flyer program! Så bygger man ett framgångsrikt lojalitetsprogram
Nils Lindhe,, Head of EuroBonus,, SAS, Sverige/Skandinavia.
Rom 1
14:30 - 15:15
Toget har forlatt perrongen – den analytiske reisen har startet!
Eirik Harildstad,, Leder CRM,, NSB AS, Norge.
Fredrik Aaserud,, CRM analytiker,, NSB AS, Norge.
14:30 - 15:15
Winning Back Lost Banking Customer Trust: How Digital Banking Can Help
Tolga Tavlas,, CEE Retail,, UniCredit Bank AG, Austria.
14:30 - 15:15
Rett budskap, til rett medlem, ved rett tidspunkt Gull i MMM 2016, for strategisk, kreativ og målbar markedskommunikasjon!
Nicolay Corneliussen,, Head of CRM & Loyalty,, Nordic Choice Hotels, Norge.
15:30 - 16:15
15:30 - 16:15
Goodbye to the old-fashioned funnel
Francesca Nieddu,, Head of CRM & Sales Planning,, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy.
15:30 - 16:15
Från rabattjägare till känslomässigt engagerad
Maria Rosén, Marknadschef, Destination Järvsö, Sverige
Matilda Herrgård Helzen,, Project Manager Bioklubben,, SF Bio, Sverige.
16:30 - 16:40
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Will it be Club Mates, Hemtex, SAS Eurobonus, Choice Hotels or SF Bio? The Attendees of Dialogkonferansen nominates the Best Loyalty Program in Scandinavia! We salute the winner on stage!
16:40 - 17:25
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Tenke sjæl
Trond-Viggo Torgersen,, Artist, mediemann, lege og tidligere barneombud, Norge.
Tenke sjæl-filosofien handler om forholdet mellom lek og ansvar, om vår evne til å få det gode ut av livet, om å kommunisere og forstå hverandre, og ikke minst om å ta ansvar for eget liv og egen utvikling.
Han snakker muntert om erfaringer, kommunikasjon, kjønnsroller og nysgjerrighet og knytter dette til noen av sine mest kjente sanger, som for eksempel Hjalmar, Stilig, Familien og Tenke sjæl.
Ved bruk av humor gir han tilhørerne en sjanse til å kjenne seg igjen. Trond-Viggo startet sin karriere som kanalvert på NRK i 1974. Han har gitt ut flere barneplater og vant Spellemannprisen 1981. Han har også skrevet flere teaterstykker både for barn og voksne.
De senere årene er han kanskje mest kjent som komiker og artist i radio og fjernsyn og på konsertscener over hele landet. Han er blant annet kjent for figurene «Vaktmester’n», og «fem på gaten» og hadde flere programmer fra Samfundet i Trondheim under tittelen Trond-Viggo og Samfundet.
19:00 - 23:30
Our own Ferries (one from Laholmen, one from Strömstad Spa) - Fantastic Buffet - Entertainment at beautiful Koster island.
23:55 - 03:00
Club, dance, bar at Strömstad Spa.
Onsdag 31.08.2016
04 / 04
08:30 - 09:20
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Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple´s Success.
Ken Segall,, Author/speaker/blogger
How Apple use simplicity to achieve its amazing success, and how organizations can employ the same principle to go further, faster. Simplicity isn’t just a design principle at Apple – it’s a value that permeates every level of the organization. It’s what helped Apple recover from near death in 1997 to become the most valuable company on earth in 2012.
Language – English
09:35 - 10:20
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How Disney define, evangelize and fund web/mobile.
Christophe Guittard,, Digital Experience Director,, The Walt Disney Company, USA.
Rom 3
09:35 - 10:20
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Reaching new Audiences: Awareness, Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy
Maria Pavlou,, Digital communications officer,, Tate Gallery, UK.
Rom 2
09:35 - 10:20
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Det handler om relasjoner
Magnus Helgesson,, Grunnlegger,, Harry’s restauranter, Sverige.
Rom 1
10:35 - 11:20
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A successful omnichannel experience starts with «why»
Kristen Zavo,, Director of Insight & Innovation, Marketing & Strategy,, Luxottica Group, USA.
Rom 3
10:35 - 11:20
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Krug champagne: How to put all the exiting fizz into an app
Aude Beauvallet,, Head of International Digital Marketing,, Krug Champagne, LVMH, France.
Rom 2
10:35 - 11:20
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How do you create a voice to someone who has none?
Martin Brooks,, Impactologist and Dad of the Year,, St Alban, UK.
Rom 1
11:20 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
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Digital Disruption & Innovation; with or without customer input
Irina Shames,, Director, Sales,, CNN International, USA.
Rom 3
12:00 - 12:45
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Creating Guests and Customers for Life
Bob Kharazmi,, Global Operations Officer,, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, USA.
Rom 2
12:00 - 12:45
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Social Marketing, Media and Brand Building
Safia Minney,, CEO and founder,, People Tree, UK.
Rom 1
13:00 - 13:45
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Visual Storytelling at Scale
Katrina Craigwell,, Director of Global Content & Programming,, General Electric, USA.
Rom 3
13:00 - 13:45
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Customer Journey: Treating it more holistically by matching behavior with content
Perrin Lawrence,, Social Media Marketing,, New York Times, USA.
Rom 2
13:00 - 13:45
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Building a brand based on customer experience
James Averdieck,, Founder,, Gü Chocolate Puds, UK.
Rom 1
14:00 - 14:50
Building a Responsible Company
Vincent Stanley,, Chief Storyteller,, Patagonia, USA.
14:50 - 15:00
Dialogkonferansen 2016 - closing remarks
Arild Horsberg,, Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
LINK Mobility er Nordens største leverandør av mobile løsninger for bedriftsmarkedet. Vi leverer tjenester som SMS- gatewayløsninger, Mobil Betaling, mobil kundeklubb, CRM databasetjenester og mye mer. Vi bistår med din bedrifts mobile strategi og løser deres behov for mobil kommunikasjon! LINK Mobility har mer enn 20 års erfaring fra mobilmarkedet, og har igjennom årene opparbeidet seg betydelig kompetanse innen alle mobile kommunikasjonsløsninger.
Arild Horsberg,
Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
Vincent Stanley,
Chief Storyteller,, Patagonia, USA.
Katrina Craigwell,
Director of Global Content & Programming,, General Electric, USA.
Perrin Lawrence,
Social Media Marketing,, New York Times, USA.
James Averdieck,
Founder,, Gü Chocolate Puds, UK.
Irina Shames,
Director, Sales,, CNN International, USA.
Bob Kharazmi,
Global Operations Officer,, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, USA.
Safia Minney,
CEO and founder,, People Tree, UK.
Kristen Zavo,
Director of Insight & Innovation, Marketing & Strategy,, Luxottica Group, USA.
Aude Beauvallet,
Head of International Digital Marketing,, Krug Champagne, LVMH, France.
Martin Brooks,
Impactologist and Dad of the Year,, St Alban, UK.
Christophe Guittard,
Digital Experience Director,, The Walt Disney Company, USA.
Maria Pavlou,
Digital communications officer,, Tate Gallery, UK.
Magnus Helgesson,
Grunnlegger,, Harry’s restauranter, Sverige.
Ken Segall,
Trond-Viggo Torgersen,
Artist, mediemann, lege og tidligere barneombud, Norge.,
Francesca Nieddu,
Head of CRM & Sales Planning,, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy.
Matilda Herrgård Helzen,
Project Manager Bioklubben,, SF Bio, Sverige.
Maria Rosén
Marknadschef, Destination Järvsö, Sverige
Fredrik Aaserud,
CRM analytiker,, NSB AS, Norge.
Eirik Harildstad,
Leder CRM,, NSB AS, Norge.
Tolga Tavlas,
CEE Retail,, UniCredit Bank AG, Austria.
Nicolay Corneliussen,
Head of CRM & Loyalty,, Nordic Choice Hotels, Norge.
Jonas Sylvest,
CEO & Partner,, Hjaltelin Stahl Direct, Denmark.
Søren Pedersen,
Business Development Director & Partner,, Wilke A/S
Håvard Kvinesland,
Senior Løsningsarkitekter, Netlife Dialog, Norge
Trine-Lise Olsson,
Head of CRM,, Norges Automobil-Forbund, Norway.
Kelly Colbert,
VP, Social Marketing,, U.S. Bank, USA.
Nils Lindhe,
Head of EuroBonus,, SAS, Sverige/Skandinavia.
PG Wettsjö,
, EQP Business School AB, Sverige.
Linus Almqvist,
Head of Communications & B2C Meeting,, arncancerfonden, Sverige.
François-Yves Caya,
Expert Advisor, Marketing Strategies and Solutions,, Desjardins Movement, Canada.
Mona Adawi,
Head of CRM,, Hemtex, Sverige.
Erik Poppe
Leder Data Science, Netlife Dialog , Norge
Erik Modig,
Førsteamanuensis, , Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (HHS), Sverige.
Link Mobility
Anne Lene Hamann,
COO og Sales & Marketing manager,, Club Matas A/S, Danmark.
Gitte Blemings,
Udviklingschef, , Club Matas A/S, Danmark.
Kevin Gaskell,
Former UK Managing Director,, Porsche UK and BMW GB, UK.
Yulia Silina,
Head of loyalty and MTS Bonus,, MTS Mobile Telesystems OJSC, Russia.
Magdalena Strömberg,
CRM Marketing Manager,, If Skadeförsäkring, Sverige.
Christian Birch,
Co-Founder & CEO,, ShopGun, Danmark.
Pepe Moder,
Head of Digital Marketing and CRM,, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Italy.
Paul Conder,
Principal,, Lenati LLC, USA.
Troels Skjelbo,
CMO,, Visma Software og e-conomic, Danmark.
Shawn Taylor,
Director, Advanced Analytics,, The Auto Club Group, USA.
Edward Weatherall,
DMP Strategy Lead,, EMEA at Rocket Fuel INC, USA.
Ian Dewar,
CRM & Layalty, , The North Face, USA.
Marc Hirtz,
VP Continental Europe,, Pitney Bowes Software.
Daria Radota Rasmussen,
Global Integrated Communication Director,, Carlsberg, Denmark.
Martin Majlund,
Head of Global Marketing Technology,, Carlsberg, Denmark.
Nina Furu
Partner,, Webgruppen
Christine Calvert,
Tekstdoktor,, Tekstdoktor, Norge.
Rita D'Agostino,
Global Marketing Digital Media Manager,, Maserati, Italy.
Rune Garborg
Administrerende direktør, Vipps
William Hall,
Art/UX Design Manager,, Disney Interactive Media Group, USA.
Sune Porsborg Børsen,
Senior Strategy Consultant,, Agillic
Rasmus Houlind,
Chief Strategy Officer,, Agillic
Arnie Kuenn,
CEO,, Vertical Measures, USA.
Seth Ellison,
President Europe,, Levi Strauss & Co, USA
Arild Horsberg, Adm. direktør,, Bring Dialog Norge AS
Arild startet Dialogkonferansen i 1997 og har ledet dagens Bring Dialog fra den spede begynnelse med to ansatte. Han er Sivil-økonom fra Universitetet i Lund, Sverige og var tidligere med på å starte opp og ledet Vega Software, det da ledende PC-systemet for kundeoppfølging. Bring Dialogs historie startet i 1992 med selskapet Mailbox, som etter hvert ble til talk2me – og i dag det ledende i Norge innen CRM og kundedialog. Selskapet har det største og sterkeste fagmiljøet i bransjen, rundt 85 dyktige og entusiastiske spesialister som alle jobber med et felles mål: Å hjelpe oppdragsgivere med å utvikle og drifte lønnsomme kunde-relasjoner i alle 1:1 kanaler. Selskapet leverer en unik og integrert kundereise innen kundestrategi, analytisk CRM, systemløsninger og 1:1 kommunikasjon i alle kanaler.
Vincent Stanley, Chief Storyteller,, Patagonia, USA.
Co-author of «The Responsible Company» has been with Patagonia on and off since its beginning i 1973, for many of those years in key executive roles as head of sales or marketing. More informally, he is Patagonia’s long-time chief storyteller. Co-editor of the «Footprint Chronicles», the company’s interactive website that outlines the social and environmental impact of its products; the Common Threads Partnership; and Patagonia Books.
He currently serves as the company’s Director, Patagonia Philosophy, and is a visiting fellow at the Yale School of Management.
Patagonia, Inc. is an American clothing company which focuses mainly on high-end outdoor clothing. The company’s roots are in clothing for rock and alpine climbing, but they now offer a diverse mix of apparel targeted towards skiers, surfers, climbers, and others. Patagonia commits 1% of their total sales or 10% of their profit, whichever is more, to environmental groups. Owner Yvon Chouinard was a founding member of One Percent for the Planet, an organization that encourages other businesses to do the same. Patagonia has donated $46 million in cash and in-kind donations to grassroots environmental groups.
Katrina Craigwell, Director of Global Content & Programming,, General Electric, USA.
Katrina is responsible for digital content creation and distribution strategy for GE in the U.S., as well as partnering with GE’s digital teams globally. In other words, she’s a major reason why GE’s digital marketing team continues to reign supreme. She sees herself a bit like a tour guide — a link between content and audience. The first time she walked into a wind turbine facility in Upstate New York she thought: «Oh my God, every geek needs to see this. This is amazing.»
Perrin Lawrence, Social Media Marketing,, New York Times, USA.
At the age of 7, Perrin wrote a 7-page, single-spaced drama about the day in the life of a toothbrush named “Bristle”, and made a career out of it. Perrin leads social marketing to expand readership of, and subscriptions to, The New York Times. Her team works closely with the newsroom, product, business development and analytics to tell The NY Times story and increase revenue to support the news.
James Averdieck, Founder,, Gü Chocolate Puds, UK.
After 9 years in the Food industry, working for Safeway and St Ivel, James decided to ‘go native on the chocolate front’ and converted to Belgian gastronomy, where he saw the opportunity of marrying high quality chocolate patisserie with efficient UK supermarket distribution.
Gü was launched in 2003 and is today one of the fastest growing food companies in the UK, credited with revolutionizing the quality of desserts.
Irina Shames, Director, Sales,, CNN International, USA.
Irina Shames oversees CNN International’s multiplatform sales efforts in North America. In this role she is responsible for driving the division’s sales strategy and its implementation in the region. Her previous roles include VP Business Development and Strategy at MTV World, Viacom’s content engine and creative lab, where she led revenue strategy with focus on content-driven next generation monetization streams. During her tenure at MTV World, the division’s strategy has advanced from an integrated marketing unit to a full-service content agency.
Bob Kharazmi, Global Operations Officer,, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, USA.
Bob Kharazmi is Global Officer, Worldwide Operations, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. and Bulgari Hotels & Resorts. As a member of the Corporate Executive Committee and the Chairman of the Corporate Operating Committee, he oversees the operations, development and strategic positioning of one of the world’s most iconic and powerful luxury brands.
Safia Minney, CEO and founder,, People Tree, UK.
Safia Minney experienced the harsh realities of social injustice and environmental devastation as she travelled Asia. She decided to promote social, arts and environmental publications and organizations. Moving to Tokyo in 1989 she turned her interests into a campaigning organization, Global Village, out of which People Tree Japan was launched.
After making People Tree the highest profiled Fair Trade company in Japan, she launched the brand in London and Europe, today selling through more than 200 stores. She has now taken a step away from operations to focus on promoting the ethical fashion cause beyond People tree, sharing her knowledge and experience.
Kristen Zavo, Director of Insight & Innovation, Marketing & Strategy,, Luxottica Group, USA.
Kristin is a strategy and innovation professional with experience from multiple industries, including retail, consumer products and media/entertainment, and with clients ranging from $100 million to $640 billion in assets. She is a much sought after speaker and panelist. Kristin is Director of Insight & Innovation at Luxottica, where she helps drive all aspects of the innovation process, from identifying strategic opportunities, to managing the ideation process and pipeline, to supporting the growth of an innovation-focused culture.
Aude Beauvallet, Head of International Digital Marketing,, Krug Champagne, LVMH, France.
Aude Beauvallet has built her career on helping the food and retail industry move into digital. Embracing and understanding the opportunities and pitfalls of modern digital marketing, she focuses on bringing the sometimes extremely tactile-oriented world of luxury brands into the hands of both the connoisseur and everyday consumer through digital platforms. Creating and driving a customer experience that reflects the brand behind.
Martin Brooks, Impactologist and Dad of the Year,, St Alban, UK.
Martin Brooks is an inventor, entrepreneur and motivational speaker with an inspirational story that will remind any person, team or organization how to be successful and creative in challenging circumstances. Experience a unique and inspiring story of creativity, entrepreneurship and determination. Martin’s daughter Mia was born with cerebral palsy which left her completely physically disabled, but able to communicate by pointing with her eyes. The systems initially offered for helping Mia communicate were bulky, expensive and very difficult to personalize. Martin thought there had to be a better way to help his daughter. He invented an app for the iPhone which has helped her communicate. Martin Brooks’ determination and love for his daughter made him dig deep and show a level of determination and resolve that motivates, inspires and challenges people to think more creatively about their own situations. Since 2002, Martin has run his own management training business, focusing on top-level communication skills.
Christophe Guittard, Digital Experience Director,, The Walt Disney Company, USA.
Christophe joined The Walt Disney Company in September 2010 as Internet Manager overseeing the Digital strategy across Europe and the middle-East for Disneyland Paris. He assumed expanded responsibilities including mobile app, data management, digital communication and e-commerce. In August 2014 he joined the Seattle team as Digital Experience Director working on -international digital-led initiatives.
Maria Pavlou, Digital communications officer,, Tate Gallery, UK.
Magnus Helgesson, Grunnlegger,, Harry’s restauranter, Sverige.
Opplev Sveriges mest meritterte inspirator i et pasjonert foredrag om entreprenørskap, medarbeiderskap og motivasjon.
Magnus Helgesson var ambisiøs helt fra starten – han skulle bli millionær! Da han fylte 21 var han millionær, men merket at en full bankkonto ikke er det samme som et rikt liv. Han trengte andre mennesker. Hans foredrag er et oppfriskende energikick og det merkes at han brenner for å inspirere andre mennesker til fremgang.
Magnus startet Sveriges første Harrys restaurant før han hadde rukket å fylle 23 år. I dag finnes det over 40 restauranter i kjeden som omsetter for over 700 millioner kroner.
Ken Segall, Author/speaker/blogger,
Ken Segall, former TBWA\Chiat\Day creative director, and the man behind Apples «Think Different» campaign. His keynote is designed to help organizations understand and leverage the power of simplicity — to stand out in a complicated world. The idea is simple: once your organization understands how simplicity has guided Apple’s success, there’s no limit to how far you can go.
He deliver that understanding with a mix of Apple insights and interesting stories about working with Steve Jobs.
Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Artist, mediemann, lege og tidligere barneombud, Norge.,
Francesca Nieddu, Head of CRM & Sales Planning,, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy.
Matilda Herrgård Helzen, Project Manager Bioklubben,, SF Bio, Sverige.
Maria Rosén Marknadschef, Destination Järvsö, Sverige
Fredrik Aaserud, CRM analytiker,, NSB AS, Norge.
Eirik Harildstad, Leder CRM,, NSB AS, Norge.
Eirik har arbeidet i NSB siden 2013. Før dette hadde han en rekke ledende jobber innen CRM for DNB, både på den kommunikative og analytiske siden. Fredrik har jobbet i NSB siden 2014. Før det jobbet han med analyse og forretningsutvikling i Eniro AB.
Tolga Tavlas, CEE Retail,, UniCredit Bank AG, Austria.
Tolga has 18 years of experience in conceiving and implementing internet and mobile solutions that elevate brand image, maximize online security, and provide cost-effective transaction migration to digital channels.
Nicolay Corneliussen, Head of CRM & Loyalty,, Nordic Choice Hotels, Norge.
Nicolay er en av nestorene i den norske CRM/lojalitets-bransjen. Han har arbeidet i Nordic Choice Hotels siden 2008 og under hans ledelse har Nordic Choice Club blitt det største lojalitetsprogrammet i bransjen. Tidligere har han arbeidet med CRM, lojalitet og salg i ledende stillinger for bl a Bokklubben og Hafslund.
Jonas Sylvest, CEO & Partner,, Hjaltelin Stahl Direct, Denmark.
Jonas is a specialist in Customer Experience Management and development of successful loyalty programs. Over time developed cross media engagement programs for brands such as IKEA, Telia Sonera, The Royal Post, COOP, Sydbank, Tryg Insurance and many more. Jonas is one of the innovating forces behind the success of the Hjaltelin Stahl Group, that has just received the marketer award: “Best agency image and ability to connect marketing across platforms”.
Søren Pedersen, Business Development Director & Partner,, Wilke A/S
Søren has worked with customer insights, marketing and management consulting for more than 35 years. Together with Jonas Sylvest he has been directly involved in the development of large number of high profiled loyalty and benefit programmes.
Håvard Kvinesland, Senior Løsningsarkitekter, Netlife Dialog, Norge
Håvard utvikler praktiske digitale strategier og omsetter disse til suksessfulle kampanjer. Alltid med et glimt i øyet og stor entusiasme.
Trine-Lise Olsson, Head of CRM,, Norges Automobil-Forbund, Norway.
Trine-Lise har arbeidet i Norges Automobil-Forbund siden 2012. Før dette var hun flere år i DNB-konsernet, bl a som CRM-ansvarlig for konsumentdivisjonen.
Kelly Colbert, VP, Social Marketing,, U.S. Bank, USA.
Kelly is a Multi-channel marketer with expertise in TV, radio and print along with social media, mobile, digital video and content marketing.
Nils Lindhe, Head of EuroBonus,, SAS, Sverige/Skandinavia.
De emosjonelle verdiene i et lojalitetsprogram er langt sterkere enn de rasjonelle. Nils Lindhe deler sine beste tips om hvordan man bygger et fremgangsrikt lojalitetsprogram og skaper nye inntekter for selskapet. Han har bakgrunn fra bl.a. SCA Hygiene, Razorfish og Lowe Brindfors. Han har en M.Sc in Eonomics & Business Administration fra Stockholm School of Economics og Stanford Executive program.
PG Wettsjö, , EQP Business School AB, Sverige.
PG er uten tvil en av Sveriges beste forelesere med bred og dyp kompetanse innen områder som salg, kundeservice, motivasjon, kommunikasjon og presentasjonsteknikk. I over 15 år har han inspirert og utdannet svensk næringsliv, myndigheter og organisasjoner.
Som eneste svenske foreleser har han tre år på rad blitt nominert til Stora talarpriset. Han har også fått Dagens Industris attraktive Gasellpris som gis til bedrifter som vokser raskest i Sverige. Teoriene fungerer tydeligvis også i praksis.
Linus Almqvist, Head of Communications & B2C Meeting,, arncancerfonden, Sverige.
Mona Adawi har som CRM ansvarlig hos Hemtex hatt ansvaret for å utvikle lønnsomme og langsiktige relasjoner med kundene. Hun sitter i styringsgruppen og samarbeider med Høyskolen i Borås i et forskningsprogram som tilbyr forskningsressurser og utviklingsmiljø til næringslivet for å bidra til innovasjon og bærekraftig utvikling.
Erik Poppe Leder Data Science, Netlife Dialog , Norge
Erik har i 20 år jobbet med kundeanalyser, segmentering og scoring. Han har blant annet hatt ansvar for utvikling av Posten Norges segmenterings- og målgruppevalgsløsninger. Erik er en ofte brukt foredragsholder.
Erik Modig, Førsteamanuensis, , Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (HHS), Sverige.
Link Mobility ,
Anne Lene Hamann, COO og Sales & Marketing manager,, Club Matas A/S, Danmark.
Gitte Blemings, Udviklingschef, , Club Matas A/S, Danmark.
Kevin Gaskell, Former UK Managing Director,, Porsche UK and BMW GB, UK.
At the age of just 32, Kevin Gaskell was appointed UK Managing Director of Porsche. At the time, the business was close to bankruptcy. Under the leadership of Gaskell, he refocused the business back to its engineering heritage and within 5 years turned Porsche into UK’s most profitable car company.
He celebrated his 40th birthday by climbing on Mount Everest and in 2006 he walked unsupported to the North Pole to raise money for Cancer Research. Three years later he walked to the South Pole to raise more funds for charity.
Yulia Silina, Head of loyalty and MTS Bonus,, MTS Mobile Telesystems OJSC, Russia.
Yulia Silina worked earlier as Head of Loyalty Program Marketing in Home Credit Bank and was responsible for launching and developing partnership programs.
Magdalena Strömberg, CRM Marketing Manager,, If Skadeförsäkring, Sverige.
Magdalena har 15 års erfaring i markedsføring og kommunikasjon fra ulike bransjer. Hun er opptatt av å gi kundene det beste: «En av de mest roliga sakerna med att jobba hos If är att hela tiden fortsätta att utmana oss själva och förbättra vår kommunikation till våra befintliga kunder».
Christian Birch, Co-Founder & CEO,, ShopGun, Danmark.
900.000 app-downloads uden én krone på markedsføring. ShopGun er en af Danmarks mest populære apps med flere end 1,6 mio. downloads. ShopGun-teamet består af 25 personer, som alle arbejder på at gøre ShopGun til forbrugernes shopping-hjælper over hele verden. ShopGun blev lanceret i 2010 under navnet eTilbudsavis i Danmark af de to iværksættere, Christian Birch og Morten Bo og kunderne er detailbranchen.
Pepe Moder, Head of Digital Marketing and CRM,, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Italy.
Pepe Moder focuses on Consumer Engage-ment, Digital Experience and -innovation, Digital Marketing and Intelligence, E-Business and CRM. He has worked with digital marketing for amongst others Pirelli, Barilla and Allianz.
Paul Conder, Principal,, Lenati LLC, USA.
Paul leads the customer experience practice at Lenati. He has a twenty-year track record leading multidisciplinary teams, bridging the fields og experience design, interior design and retail strategy. Paul has led research projects for many global brands including Starbucks, Starwood Capital Group, Canyon Ranch, Microsoft, 2010 Olympic games and many more. Paul Conder was a lecturer at Emily Carr University and Simon Frasier University in Vancouver.
Troels Skjelbo, CMO,, Visma Software og e-conomic, Danmark.
Truls har ansvar for online salg, markedsføring, kundekommunikasjon, PR og «marketing automation». Troels har tidligere hatt flere lederstillinger, blant annet i Danmarks største telekommunikasjonsselskap, TDC. Han har i sine lederstillinger alltid hatt det digitale ansvaret.
Shawn Taylor, Director, Advanced Analytics,, The Auto Club Group, USA.
Shawn is responsible for the Advanced Analytics and Marketing Research teams at The Auto Club Group, the 2nd largest AAA Club in the U.S. with over 9 million members. AAA was founded over 100 years ago for the purpose of lobbying for driver and passenger rights, fair laws and safer vehicles.
Edward Weatherall, DMP Strategy Lead,, EMEA at Rocket Fuel INC, USA.
Edward Weatherall, DMP Strategy Lead at Rocket Fuel, is currently spearheading the introduction of their Programmatic Marketing Platform in the EMEA region. He likes to launch new things and finds it very hard to sit still. In 2001 he founded the global digital agency Concep, has since developed the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing's commercial offering, and used Psychology at VisualDNA to change the way companies understand people online. During his 16 years in digital he has been lucky to do a number of industry firsts, working with some great people and brands including IBM, Google, John Lewis Partnership, Arcadia, Lastminute.com, Ogilvy, Bank of New York Melon, feelunique.com and Clifford Chance.
Ian Dewar, CRM & Layalty, , The North Face, USA.
Ian Dewar calls himself an accidental marketer. Arriving in the outdoor industry on two wheels his evolution from a bicycle tour guide to managing CRM and Loyalty for The North Face was an exercise in perseverance. Projects includes creating VIP programs for key sponsors at the Tour de France, blogging from the Hawaii Ironman and leading treks to Everest Base Camp.
Marc Hirtz, VP Continental Europe,, Pitney Bowes Software.
Marc Hirtz is VP of Continental Europe at Pitney Bowes Software and leads the company’s activities for their portfolio of Single Customer View, Location Intelligence, and Customer Engagement Solutions. His team delivers accuracy and precision across the connected and borderless world of commerce to help clients create meaningful impact. Marc’s passion is sailing and he’s an avid windsurfer and skier.
Daria Radota Rasmussen, Global Integrated Communication Director,, Carlsberg, Denmark.
Daria has 15 years of experience in communication and consumer insights. Her roots are in sociology and psychology, and she is interested in human behavior, group dynamics and their implications to communication and business. She focuses on the intersection of creative, strategy and business, and explores how the new possibilities created by digital media and technologies can be integrated with overall marketing activities to create better results.
Martin Majlund, Head of Global Marketing Technology,, Carlsberg, Denmark.
Martin works with digital marketing and consumer technologies in Carlsberg Group, and how Carlsberg uses technology to support brand initiatives for local and global power brands.
Nina Furu Partner,, Webgruppen
Nina Furu er partner i fagfellesskapet Webgruppen og driver Nettredaktørskolen i Oslo. Nina rådgir en rekke av landets største nettsteder, og holder kurs/foredrag og skriver fagbøker om webkommunikasjon.
Christine Calvert, Tekstdoktor,, Tekstdoktor, Norge.
Christine Calvert er kursutvikler og foredragsholder med et stort lærerhjerte og masse kjærlighet til god tekst. Skriving og innholdsutvikling har vært hennes geskjeft i 25 år – tidligere som tekstforfatter i Power reklamebyrå, global webredaktør i DNV og «tekstevangelist» i BEKK. Hun driver firmaet Tekstdoktor og underviser på Westerdals ACT. Gjennom Tekstdoktor har hun motivert flere tusen kursdeltakere til en bedre tekstuell hverdag.
Rita D'Agostino, Global Marketing Digital Media Manager,, Maserati, Italy.
Rita joined the company with the key goal to build up the digital and social media strategic roadmap to back the brand business objectives during one of the most challenging times of its over 100 years’ history. Her team, supported by leading web and communication agencies, is responsible for driving global web and social media strategy, tools, infrastructures, digital creative contents. Maserati is an Italian luxury car manufacturer established in 1914. The Maserati tagline is «Luxury, sports and style cast in exclusive cars», and to «Build ultra-luxury performance automobiles with timeless Italian style, accommodating bespoke interiors, and effortless, signature sounding power».
Rune Garborg Administrerende direktør, Vipps
Rune Garborg har lang fartstid fra DNB og DNB Eiendom, og er nå øverste sjef for Vipps – Norges mest populære betalingsapp. I 2015 ble Vipps lansert som en betalingsapp av finanskonsernet DNB, med Rune Garborg etter hvert som Vipps-ansvarlig. Betalingsappen har i dag mer enn 2,8 millioner brukere, og «å vippse» har blitt en del av dagligtalen. I 2017 ble Vipps etablert som et eget selskap og skilt ut som et eget AS med egen ledelse. Vipps-ledelsen med Rune Garborg i spissen har nå fått størsteparten av det norske bankmarkedet til å samle seg om Vipps som betalingsløsning.
William Hall, Art/UX Design Manager,, Disney Interactive Media Group, USA.
William Hall is an award winning interactive design director designing delightfully intuitive user experiences for some of the worlds most recognized brands (MTV, Apple, eBay, Disney and many more). He believes a happy user is a sticky user and in his current role at Disney he provides snarky and addictive UX and Art Direction for both social games and mobile applications.
Sune Porsborg Børsen has more than 14 years of experience in communication, marketing automation, CRM, customer experience, business development and digital marketing in companies like Hi3G, e-conomic/Visma, Bonnier Publications, TDC og Eniro. He also worked as a digital strategic consultant in Wibroe, Duckert & Partners and Oracle Marketing Cloud with a wide range of clients.
Rasmus Houlind, Chief Strategy Officer,, Agillic
Rasmus Houlind is the author of the Omnichannel book: “Make it about me and I’ll buy it!” and has more than 10 years of experience working in digital agencies with Omnichannel Marketing, with clients including; Tivoli, Interflora, Toyota, Flügger, OKQ8 and many more.
Arnie Kuenn, CEO,, Vertical Measures, USA.
Arnie Kuenn is the one of the founders of Vertical Measures. He has held executive positions in the world of new technologies and marketing for more than 25 years. He gives speaks around the world and has trained more than 3,000 students on content marketing.
Seth Ellison, President Europe,, Levi Strauss & Co, USA
Seth Ellison has close to 30 years of experience in the global apparel market and has worked for Levi´s since 2012. Before Levi´s he worked with companies such as Quicksilver and Nike.