Content marketing-dagen 2018

01.02.2018 08:15 - 16:00
Grand Hotel Oslo, Karl Johans gate 31, Oslo


Content marketing dagen 2018 - Fra innhold til konvertering
Content marketing har bevist at riktig bruk øker engasjement og spredning. Nå er det tid for markedsførerne å bevise at riktig bruk av content marketing også vil øke omsetning og resultat. Men hvordan måle resultatene?

Markedsførernes oppgave vil nå være å knytte verdi til innholdstrategien som har blitt en del av den integrerte markedsstrategien. Vi vil også se på hvordan influencer marketing kan bygge merkevarer, generere leads og salg. Dette er noen av temaene som vi vil berøre på content marketing-dagen, der vi får presentert foredrag og caser både fra inn- og utland.

NB, konferansen er nå utsolgt!

Torsdag 01.02.2018

08:15 - 09:00

Registrering og frokost

09:00 - 09:45

Les mer Stepping out of the niche – how Content can drive Business and Brand Performance

Gregor Vogelsang, Managing Partner and Managing Director of Strategy & Internationalization, C3
Gregor will talk about the next step in the evolution away from content marketing towards the future of marketing and our strategy to become a future lead agency of reference with large, global brands as well as our future positioning which will be content / creative led, consumer centric and tech enabled. Also, he will talk about how it will be much more about driving brand and business performance at the same time.
09:45 - 10:25

Les mer How to elevate the results of your content marketing

Ian Cleary, Founder, RazorSocial
If you are more strategic about your content marketing you can generate significantly more reach and revenue. In this session, Ian will share strategies, tools and tips for driving more relevant traffic to your content and producing more ROI.
10:25 - 10:45


10:45 - 11:15

Les mer Why (and how) we totally redid Santander’s communication strategy

Henrik Eriksen, Content Marketing Specialist B2C, Santander
Anna Berndtsson, National Marketing & Sponsorship Manager, Santander
Santander Consumer Bank stepped out of the most noisy ad categories, and put a big bet on content marketing in owned channels. In this talk, they share how to succeed, through aligning insights, strategy, organisation and agencies.
11:15 - 11:45

Les mer Voice & Visual – The future of search?

Alexander Flensburg, Senior Content Marketing Manager Nordics, Zalando
With technology advances and more complex data systems our options for how we search for information have greatly increased. How is voice and visual search looking today and how may it change the way we and our customers search for things tomorrow?
11:45 - 12:45


12:45 - 13:15

Les mer How to win with native advertising

Jesper Laursen, Founder, Native Advertising Institute
Native advertising is the fastest way to drive real tangible business results with your content and it is growing like a wildfire. Learn how to get your content in front of the right people at the right time by using paid content distribution. In this session we’ll dig deep into some of the best award-winning cases in the world and see what it takes to succeed with native advertising.
13:15 - 13:45

Les mer Influencer marketing – hva, hvordan og med hvem?

Pia Tryland, Grûnder og daglig leder, Chili Media og VIXEN
Hvordan kan influencer marketing bygge merkevare, generere leads og salg? Pia Tryland gir en innføring i Influencer marketing som en del av en content marketing-strategi eller som enkeltstående kampanjer, og viser til suksesskriterier og gode eksempler.
13:45 - 14:15


14:15 - 14:45

Les mer Stop thinking in campaigns

Vicky Chen, Head of Strategy, VICE Scandinavia
VICE Scandinavias Head of Strategy, Vicky Chen, will explain how VICE's in-house creative services agency, Virtue utilizes an editorial approach to commercial content when creating content for a millennial audience in the digital age.
14:45 - 15:30

Les mer Your Content Marketing Strategy Needs a Reality Check

Jason Miller, Global Content Marketing Leader, LinkedIn
Marketers have been operating under a false pretense regarding their audience's ability to concentrate for longer than 8 seconds. I call this the Myth of the Goldfish. In this session, I'll debunk the myth and reveal how changes in society's ability to multi-task are transforming how companies should approach their advertising strategy and content marketing efforts. You will leave this session with a new understanding of: 1. How to create the most efficient content to fuel your demand generation efforts. 2. Why long-form content is an essential part of a successful integrated marketing strategy. 3. How to use advertising on LinkedIn as a testing ground for your broader content marketing strategy. 4. The importance of empowering employees as advocates to significantly expand the reach of your content.
15:30 - 15:45

Oppsummering og avslutning

Knut Kristian Hauger, Ansvarlig redaktør, Kampanje



Knut Kristian Hauger
Knut Kristian Hauger
Ansvarlig redaktør, Kampanje
Jason Miller
Jason Miller
Global Content Marketing Leader, LinkedIn
Vicky Chen
Vicky Chen
Head of Strategy, VICE Scandinavia
Pia Tryland
Pia Tryland
Grûnder og daglig leder, Chili Media og VIXEN
Jesper Laursen
Jesper Laursen
Founder, Native Advertising Institute
Alexander Flensburg
Alexander Flensburg
Senior Content Marketing Manager Nordics, Zalando
Anna Berndtsson
Anna Berndtsson
National Marketing & Sponsorship Manager, Santander
Henrik Eriksen
Henrik Eriksen
Content Marketing Specialist B2C, Santander
Ian Cleary
Ian Cleary
Founder, RazorSocial
Gregor  Vogelsang
Gregor Vogelsang
Managing Partner and Managing Director of Strategy & Internationalization, C3


Content marketing-dagen 2018